I can't concentrate.

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Meredith's POV: Monday.

I can't concentrate. Our plane had to make an emergency stop in Texas and we ended up stuck there for hours. So instead of getting back to Seattle early Sunday morning we arrived late in the evening. He suggested that I just sleep at his place and that he would give me a ride to school this morning. The only problem is that we didn't do much sleeping. He kept me up practically all night, although I am not complaining as I thouroughly enjoyed every single minute of it.

The only problem is that now he is trying to teach us about the muscular system and all I can think about Is how amazing the sex was last night. I look at him and all I think about is his body pressed tightly against mine. He speaks and all I think about is the way he moans my name. I find myself daydreaming instead of actually learning anything and this is definitely a huge problem.

Seeing as though I can't concentrate on the lesson I decide instead to eavesdrop on the conversations around me. A conversation going on between the girls seated behind me piques my interest.

"Do you think he is seeing anyone?" girl number one asks.

"Look at him he has to be, besides why does it even matter he's your teacher" her friend replies.

"Teachers go out with students all of the time Kim" girl number one says obviously feeling offended.

"Well then why don't you try getting Dr. Shepherd to sleep with you, see what happens" the girl names Kim challenges and I feel anger rising in my stomach at the though of anyone else going near him.

"You know what maybe I will, I mean look at that man.. Imagine how amazing he in in bed, I bet-" she speaks but I don't let her finish.

"Can you two please shut the fuck up" I say turning around angrily.

I thought I was being quiet but apparently not quiete enough as the entire class heard me. The entire room go silent, all except for Cristina who is trying to contain her laughter. Derek looks at me his expression questioning but he is unsure of what to do.

"Do you we have a problem Miss Grey?" he says tying to maintain a serious face.

"Yeah these two wont shut the hell up" I say pointing behind me.

"Grey please" he sighs rolling his eyes at me.

"As for you two do you have something you would like to share with the rest of the class" he asks leaning on his desk and folding him muscular arms over his chest.

"No Dr. Shepherd" they say in unison smirks on their faces.

"That's what I thought" he rolls his eyes at them before turning back to the board to continue his lesson.

"bitches" I mutter under my breath, but Derek must have super human hearing because he turns and looks at me in defeat.

"Miss Grey, please see me after class" he shakes his head at me sternly.

I swallow heavily knowing that I am about to get a lecture.

Derek's POV:

I swear to goodness she was put on this earth for the sole purpose of torturing me. I am erasing the whiteboard as the classroom quickly empties leaving only her and me. I hear her steps tentative and nervous before I hear her voice.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" she asks a certain edge in her voice.

"What was that today?" I ask turning around to look her in the eye.

"They wouldn't stop talking" she states simply obviously trying to evade my question.

"That kind of language and behavior is unacceptable in my classroom miss Grey. I expected a bit more maturity from you" I say trying to keep this as impersonal as possible.

"Thank you for clearing that up Dr. Shepherd" she looks at me eyes narrowed before she turns hotly on her heels and storms off.

I go to follow her knowing full well that I have somehow pissed her off. I walk out into the hallway and there is no one but her and I in view. I sprint up to catch her grasping her by the arm and pulling her into a nearby supply closet. I know that I am meant to be speaking to her about what happened in class today but her close proximity is intoxicating.

My hands instinctively grasp her waist pulling her body tighter against mine. Her barely visible green eyes widen as she looks at me. I touch my forehead to hers, today has been absolutely tortuous for me, having to be so close to her without being able to be truly close to her.

"Was today as hard for you as it was for me" She asks her lips so close to mine that I don't think a piece of paper could fit in the space between.

"I can't concentrate when you are near me" I admit quietly before closing the gap between our lips.

She tangles her fingers in my hair deepening the kiss as my hands move the unbutton the button of her pants. Her lips travel along my jawline and up to my ear gently biting and sucking along the way.

"All I could think about in class is the way that you touch me" she whispers seductively in my ear.

"You are going to be late to your next class" I say halfheartedly as her hands begin working to undo my belt buckle.

"I guess you will just have to write me a late pass then" she smirks as she slides her hand into my pants.

The way that she caresses me is enough to shift me into maximum overdrive. Who cares if my next class begins in two minutes, I want her all of her.

"Take off your clothe" I say my voice low.

She looks at me biting her lip in anticipation as begins unbuttoning the buttons of her blouse one by one

20 minutes later:

"Do I have sex hair?" she asks as she re-buttons her blouse.

"If I did my job right" I joke leaning in to capture her lips.

For a moment I find myself getting lost in her kiss until she breaks away hastily.

"I really need to go" she laughs leaning up to give me a quick peck.

"I will email Burke and tell him that It is my fault that you are late" I smile down at her tenderly running my fingers through her messy hair.

"Well it is your fault" she teases a happy glint in her eyes.

"Hey, I cant help it. You make it so that I can't concentrate"

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