Slowly going over.

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Meredith's POV:

I can't help but smile like a lunatic as we walk through Bell street park finishing our ice creams. I have always loved Bell Street. It is the most amazing place to people watch. Tonight there seems to be a lot of couples wandering around and I wonder how someone can look so in love. I take a quick glance at Derek and wonder what people see when they look at us.

"Meredith, why is it called Bell Street Park, when it isn't really a park?" He breaks the silence after finishing his ice cream cone.

"I don't know, it has just always been called that, it is sort of shared space between cars and pedestrians" I smile trying to explain this odd Seattle quirk.

"Second question, why is there a piano randomly in the middle of the park?" he asks.

"Pianos in the park Derek, it is another tradition!" I laugh.

"Well come on!" he smiles walking toward the piano.

"Do you play?" I am surprised as he sits down.

"I used too, just a little and not well, sit with me." he smiles patting the space on the bench beside him

"what are you going to play for me?" I smile sitting down next to him.

"Just listen you might know it" he laughs

"Okay" he smiles at me his fingers resting gently on the keys "this one is for you Mer".

(listen to the above song)

My breath catches in my throat as his fingers begin to play. I instantly recognize the tune and I cant help but wonder if he picked this song for some underlying reason. I am losing my self in the music, and I find myself watching his facial expressions. He is so intently focused on his playing, the sadness in his eyes is almost too hard to bare. I just want to wrap my arms around him and hold him until the sadness disappears. His eyes shut as he begins the last the few bars and I find my eyes shutting too.

I close my eyes and imagine a world where life isn't so complicated. Derek is not my teacher and I am not his student and we can hold hands in public without their being repercussions. He can kiss me whenever he wants and we never have to worry that what we are doing is inappropriate. In this perfect world I can be completely his, in every physical and emotional way.

"Meredith" he says prompting me from my daydream.

"Sorry, it was just beautiful, god it transported me to a different place completely" I smile at him.

"Come on, we need to get moving, it will be getting dark really soon" he says standing up.

"Yeah plus it is getting chilly" I stand up with him pulling my jacket tighter around me.

"Here take this" he smiles as he begins unwinding his scarf from around his neck.

He places it around my neck winding it around once. I am instantly enveloped in his smell and can't help but smile at him.

"Now let me walk you home"

We walk home mostly in silence until he brings up the Universities fundraising Gala tomorrow night.

"Are you going to come? all the staff and students are invited" he asks excitedly.

"Of course I am going, any excuse to dress up" I chuckle.

"What are you wearing?" he smiles genuinely interested

"I have a few options, you will just have to wait and see" I tease as we reach the front of my apartment building

"I am looking forward to it" he laughs "Is Yang coming?"

"Yes I am forcing her" I admit.

"I will arrange for you guys to be seated at my table" He offers turning to face me.

"That really isn't necessary" I say worried about Cristina reading into mine and his behavior

"Nonsense, you both are definitely sitting at my table, besides you will want to see me in a tux, I look good" he winks before turning to leave.

"Wait your scarf!" I shout after him.

"Keep it, red looks good on you" he smiles cheekily before continuing down the sidewalk.

I sigh walking up the stairs to my apartment. Now I have to figure out what in the hell to wear.

Derek's POV: the next night at the Gala

I scan the room for familiar face and still haven't caught a glimpse of her. I am not sure why I feel so nervous, but my stomach is twisting in knots and my heart is beating rapidly in my chest. I continue making my rounds speaking to all of the alumni and charitable men and women who make the science department what it is when I hear her distinctive laugh.

I turn around and I am left completely speechless. I don't know why I would expect anything less but she looks so amazingly perfect. Her honey hair is softly curled framing her delicate face, and the dark red of her strapless gown flatters her skin beautifully. The gown hugs to every slight curve of her body, and when she moves the dress moves gracefully with her.

She lifts her eyes to mine almost as if she could sense me watching her. She smiles at me as she tentatively  begins strutting towards me. As she moves towards me I notice the slit in her dress that goes all the way up her perfectly toned leg. I don't think she has ever looked more stunning.

(This is my favorite red carpet look of Ellen's, so imagine that she looks just like this, but with no train on the dress)

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(This is my favorite red carpet look of Ellen's, so imagine that she looks just like this, but with no train on the dress)

"Dr. Shepherd" she smiles up at me biting her lower lip.

"Meredith, you look absolutely stunning" I smile my hands aching to reach out and touch her.

"And you look very handsome yourself" she blushes her green eyes locked in a battle with mine.

"Come dance with me" I ask her putting my best smile on display.

"Derek, you know we can't" she shakes her head keeping her voice low.

"Come on, there is so many people here that no one will even notice, I swear" I push my luck.

"Alright, alright but no funny business Derek Shepherd" She warns.

I extend my hand to her and she happily takes it as I lead her to the dance floor. Maybe this is crossing a line? It seems that we are slowly going over.

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