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Meredith's POV: The next day around noon.

We met at the airport, took completely separate cars then met at the entrance so he could give me my ticket. Then we went in through check in and security separately. He said he would see me on the plane. As I walk to our terminal I can't help but be hit with how shady this all is. It makes me feel sneaky, sneaky and dirty.

"Now boarding first class" the flight attendants voice chimes over the intercom.

I sigh and stand up ticket in one hand and carry on in the other. The brunette woman scans my ticket with a smile and I walk through the tunnel to the plane and search the front section for my seat. I find it quickly and stop in the isle to put my luggage in the overhead compartment.

"Let me help you" I hear his voice soft in my ear giving me chills.

I turn around smiling at him as he takes my small suitcase and stores it in the overhead doing the same with his own bag. I then side step into our seats taking the seat by the window. He sits down next to me and the moment he looks at me I feel my stomach fill with butterflies. I still don't understand why against all of my better judgment I decided to come on this trip. Especially since I am scared of flying.

"Did you sleep well?" he asks as he sits down next to me.

"Not particularly" I smile gently at him.

"Why not?" he tilts his head quizzically at me.

"Just excited" I smile and he seems satisfied with that answer.

Its not like I could tell him that I was up late worrying about controlling myself around him. Even having him this close to me is agony. I sit there anxiously thinking about him as the plane fills up. Soon enough the voice of the pilot begins instructing us to fasten our seatbelts as he prepares for take off.

I swallow hard my hands fumbling with the buckles unable to get them to click. My heart begins to beat rapidly when suddenly Derek's warm strong hands close over my shaky ones. My eyes dart up and connect with his swirling eyes. He helps me buckle my belt and then tightens it so that it fits. The plane begins to move from the tarmac to the runway and I can't help but squeeze my eyes tightly.

"Meredith" Derek says my name concerned his hands still grasping mine.

I just gently shake my head, my nerves getting the best of me. I really, really hate flying.

"Meredith look at me" He gently prods moving one of his hands up to gently stroke my face.

I turn to face him reveling in the feeling of his touch, instantly calming me. He looks deeply into my eyes as he continues  to gently stroke my cheek with his thumb. The look in his eyes confuses me, and I long to touch my lips to his.

"Just keep looking at me okay?" He tells me and I just nod my head.

I continue to look at him until I find last nights sleep deprivation catching up to me. The last thing I remember before falling asleep is the look of contentment in his eyes.

Derek's POV: Five and half hours later.

She has been sleeping through this entire plane ride, but seeing how lovely she looks while sleeping, I suppose I can't complain. She is curled up in her airplane seat, a small frown on her face, creating a crinkle in between her brows that I long to kiss away.

"Meredith, it's time to go" I whisper gently running my fingers through her soft blonde hair.

She furrows her brow, yawning and stretching like a cat as she opens her eyes. She gives me a sleepy smile as the plane pulls up to the gate. I help get our stuff down from the overhead and off through the airport we go. We finally made it to New York, the city of dreams.

We pile into a taxi, our baggage in tow, and I give them the name of our hotel: The Roosevelt. The drive there is very short and soon we are walking through the ornate doors. I can't help but smile at her influx of breath as she takes in the expansive foyer. I leave her to ogle at all of the expensive furnishings as I check in. I had called last night and they said that they had two conjoining rooms available.

"Reservations for Derek Shepherd." I smile at the woman behind the desk as she begins typing away at her computer.

"I am so sorry Mr. Shepherd, it seems that there has been a problem with rooms you booked, unfortunately we are unable to give you two conjoining rooms at this time, however since there was a mix up we are offering to upgrade you to a much bigger suite for the exact same price" she says looking scared, waiting for a visceral reaction from me.

"Does this room have a coach" I swallow as Meredith begins to approach me.

"Yes sir it does" the woman behind the desk informs me.

"We will take it" I smile as Meredith comes to stand beside me.

"Enjoy your stay" the female clerk smiles at us as she hands me a key card and a booklet of information.

Meredith and I head towards the elevators, I hit the button for the fourth floor and we ride up in a comfortable silence. We make it to our room and the tension begins the moment  I slide the key card into the slot and swing the door open. We walk into the enormously well furnished suite and drop our bags in the "living room". We both take a glance at the king sized bed before looking at each other nervously.

She gives me the biggest smile I have ever seen as she runs towards the bed jumping and landing softly on he back. Her sweet laugh fills the room completely, eradicating any tension. She turns her head to the side to look at me, still giggling. I cant help but notice how gorgeous she looks, laying there wither that smile on her face and her hair spread out around her like a halo. That's when I feel it, that feeling in my heart that I haven't felt for so long. I am falling for Meredith Grey.

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