Bottle of Tequila

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Meredith's POV:

I decided to just get ready at Derek's house, half my clothes are there and besides it means more time with him. Although I will say that he is definitely making it harder for me to concentrate.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you shower with me, now I am going to be late" I chuckle as I lightly curl my hair.

"I can't help myself" he says his voice drifting into the bathroom.

I give myself a quick once over in the mirror adjusting my top and adding another quick coat of mascara before stepping out of the bathroom. He looks at me appreciatively his eyes scanning me from head to toe.

"Do I look okay?" I ask nervously needing his approval.

"Call Cristina and cancel" he says with a joking glint in his eye as he stands up from the bed.

"Oh, and why is that?" I ask biting my lip gently as he comes closer to be.

"Because..." he begins grabbing my gently by the waist "You look so gorgeous right now, I don't think I can let you leave this room"

"Derek..." I blush as he pulls my body closer to his, "haven't you had enough of me today?"

"I could never have enough of you Meredith "He whispers seductively in my ear.

The words he speaks and the low tone of his voice send shivers up my spine and for a moment I consider just not going to this part tonight. I want nothing more than to stay here, to let him undress me with his hands like he is currently doing with his eyes.

"I promised" I look at him, disappointment obviously on my face.

"I know, will I see you later tonight?" He asks a smile on his perfect lips.

"You can count on it" I reply leaning up to kiss him.

"Okay, I better go before I change my mind" I laugh pulling away and out of his embrace.

He laughs and we say our goodbyes before I head out the door. The instance the front door shuts I want nothing more than to turn around and go back inside to him. But instead I tough it out and begin the short walk to my home.

By the time, I get there the party is already in full swing, music playing so loudly that you can hear it before you even open the door. It is a wonder that the cops don't get called, I shrug my shoulders and push open the doors and am instantly enveloped in atmosphere of sound and a sea of bodies. I shoot Cristina a text and she meets me by the elevator along with a few people that I don't recognize.

"This is Izzie and George, they live in the apartment across from us" she shouts over the loud music.

"I think we have first period together" the tall blonde woman says; Izzie I am assuming.

She is beyond good looking, in a way that makes it almost hard to look at her. The guy, George, is cute in a sort of dopey way, but he seems sweet. We get to talking, and they seem truly nice, but I am getting increasingly bored with the fact that I seem to be the only person at this party without a drink.

"I will be right back, I am going to get a drink" I say to them before heading up the stairs to my floor.

Every single floor of this building is packed with people, it is almost amazing how many people are here. Everyone is drinking, dancing and having an altogether amazing time. People are laughing with old friends, making out with strangers and just celebrating the fact that we survived finals. However, I suppose some of these people are drinking to numb the pain of not surviving finals. Either way, everyone is drunk as hell and having an amazing time.

I finally find a table stacked with all kinds of hard liquor and smile when I spot a half empty bottle of tequila. I decide to just jack the entire bottle, which I know is a party no no, but I won't drink anything else and there isn't much left anyways. I take a couple large swigs both enjoying and detesting the way it makes my throat burn. I slip into the crowd, joining the festivities, drinking and dancing with strangers.

"You come here often" I hear a voice from behind me and turn to see if they are speaking to me

"Yeah, I live here" I look the guy in the eyes trying to show that I am not interested.

"With your boyfriend?" he asks a smile on his face.

"With my best friend, my boyfriend lives somewhere else" I say narrowing my eyes at him.

He continues to flirt with me despite my attempts to get him to leave me alone. I just sip on my bottle and let him tucker himself out before turning and walking away from the conversation all together. He wasn't bad looking, in fact some would say he was quiet good looking, and the Meredith I was before I met Derek would have wasted no time in sleeping with him. But here is the thing, once you have been with a real man, a man who loves you and knows how to please you in all the right ways, all these frat boy looking guys are just that, boys.

The mixture of alcohol in my bloodstream and the thought of Derek is enough to make me want him in a way that is almost primal. I decide to shoot him a text hoping that he is still awake and wait patiently for his reply. He texts back quickly saying he is on his way and I decide to wait for him outside.

I can still hear the music loud and clear so I stand there gently swaying and dancing to the beat, taking occasional small sips off my bottle totally unaware that he is watching.

"You know in some states you can get arrested for that!" His voice startles me from my reverie

I look up meeting his eyes. He looks so wonderfully handsome leaning up against the hood of his car the way he is. I smirk walking towards him slowly, partly because I am trying to be seductive, but mostly because I am drunk. He begins heading in my direction a small smile on his face.

"So, you blew me off for a bottle of tequila?" he jokes as I throw the now mostly empty bottle into the nearby trash can "tequilas no good for you, it doesn't call, it doesn't write. It's not nearly as fun to wake up to"

I don't reply, instead I just grab his by his shirt and pull him closer to me, kissing him tentatively not even caring that we are in public. Not even giving thought to the hundreds of students in the building behind me. He kisses me back and I instantly feel the need I have for him growing.

"Take me for a ride Derek" I say quietly smiling at him.

He chuckles quietly as he pulls me in the direction of his car, and take me for a ride he definitely does.


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