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Meredith's POV:

My stomach explodes with butterflies as he leads me to the crowded dance floor and I pray to god that no one notices us and says anything. I scan the room quickly and see that Cristina is in an obviously intellectual conversation with Burke. Hopefully he can keep her engaged, I could only imagine what she would say.

We reach a spot on the floor that isn't completely compact as the song changes to a slow one. He looks down at me swallowing hard, neither of us were expecting a song this slow and romantic. Derek makes the first move, slowly and tentative resting his hands on my waist I can't help but shudder at the contact. His touch sends shockwaves through my entire body, it's like being burned, but in a way that feels so good. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck our eyes locking.

I have never had anyone look at me this way before, it is like he can see into me. Like he can see all of my hopes, thought, all of my desires. It is like he has me in a trance, his blue eyes have me trapped and it's like I can't get away. I am not sure how it happens but we end up moving closer together.

His hands are now resting on my lower back and our bodies are pressed tightly together, we haven't been this intimately close since we slept together two months ago and I feel like I never want to forget this feeling. I want to hold onto it as long as possible because I don't know if we will ever be this close again. My chest in pressed firmly against his, and I swear I can feel his heart beating faster.

"Meredith..." Derek whispers his voice soft and low in my ear.

"Yes?" I reply knowing exactly what he is going to say.

"This is not right." he admits, still he makes no move to pull away. He only pulls my body tighter against his

"I know, but it feels good" I smile.

"Just one more song" he bargains, more with himself than with me.

"One more song" I consent wrapping my arms around him a little tighter pressing my cheek to his.

"You really do look absolutely lovely tonight, red looks gorgeous on you" he compliments me.

"I wore it for you" I admit.

He doesn't say anything more; we just continue to dance our bodies gently swaying to the rhythm. In this moment we are not Dr. Derek Shepherd teacher and Meredith Grey student. We are just Derek and Meredith. We are just two ordinary people trying and failing to keep our hearts from feeling.

The second song comes to and end and we both cling a little tighter knowing that we will have to let go in a moment. I have never wanted anything more than to be close to him, in this moment. I shut my eyes tightly trying to commit this moment to memory.

The last chords of the song finish and we both reluctantly pull away. His piercing eyes lock with mine and I don't dare to look away. There is an unspoken conversation in his gaze and I know that I will remember this moment for the rest of my life. I will remember this moment as the exact moment that I started falling in love with Derek Shepherd.

Derek's POV:

We are all seated at our respective tables, Meredith is sat on my left, Cristina on the other side of her, and then sits Burke and some other teachers from the science department. We are all on our third glass of champagne so it is easy to say that conversations are getting a little less than intellectual.

"Burke, why was the scuba diver failing biology?" I ask Burke with a serious expression.

"I don't know Shepherd why?" he humors me.

"Because he was below "C" level" I laugh at my own joke.

Next to me Meredith begins laughing so hard she chokes on her champagne. She looks up at me in complete disbelief.

"Derek that was the stupidest joke I have ever heard!" she teases laughing.

"I would like to see you do better!" I challenge her.

"Alright I have one I know you will appreciate, here it goes" she smiles clearing her throat "what did the femur say to the patella?"

"I don't know Meredith what did it say?" I smile at her.

"I kneed you" she delivers adding emphasis to knee.

We both crack up laughing, our laughter mixing together like the chords of a love song. It takes a minute to see that no one else finds it funny.

"Oh come on that was a good one!" I look at Burke and Cristina who seem amused but unimpressed.

"Well Shepherd you have found someone who shares in your primitive sense of humor" Burke sarcastically jokes.

Cristina laughs obviously sharing Burkes appreciation of dry humor.

"Mer, I am going to head out, I have to be up early tomorrow to catch the train, but I will see you after thanksgiving break okay?" Cristina says to Meredith standing up.

"Wait I can come home now" she offers to my disappointment.

"No its okay, stay and have fun" she smiles at Mer "make sure she gets home safe?" she looks at me with a knowing glint in her eye.

"Will do" I smiles and I wonder what she thinks she knows

"Let me walk you out" Burke smiles standing up to walk Cristina out and she makes no protests.

Now it is just me and Meredith and the two teachers that are so engrossed in their own conversation that we might as well be at this table alone. I totally forgot about it being thanksgiving break, an entire two weeks without classes means an entire two weeks without Meredith.

"What are you doing on break" I ask her suddenly getting a crazy idea.

"Nothing, probably just going to hang around campus." she shrugs her shoulders.

"I have to go to New York, for some awards ceremony, be my plus one" I propose smiling at her obvious shock.

I don't know exactly what I expect her to say, but I want a yes.

"I... okay" she says laughing "I will go with you"

"Well then you better get home and pack! I will take you home" I smile reaching for her hand and helping her up.

We walk to her home in silence, our fingers still loosely intertwined and my jacket hanging loosely over her shoulders. We stop in front of her building and she turns to look at me her eyes full of doubts.

"You really want me to be your plus one? isn't that crossing the line" she asks her eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't want to go that long without seeing you, and thinking of it as blurring the lines not crossing them." I smile hoping to have convinced her.

"Okay I will go, anything specific I need to pack?" she asks after pondering for a moment.

"Make sure you bring a nice dress for the award ceremony, just not this one" I smile

"I thought you like this dress" she pouts looking up at me.

"I love that dress" I smirk wresting my hands on her small waist and leaning in so I can whisper in her ear "you look so unbelievably sexy in that dress that I am worried I wouldn't be able to control myself seeing you in it a second time"

I pull away and she just looks at me wide eyed as if she can't believe that I said that. I also can't believe I said that. We say our goodbyes and I tell her that I will pick her up tomorrow at noon so she had better be packed.

I watch as she goes appreciating the way that dress clings to her body. I can't help but imagine the things I would be doing to her had I the opportunity to take that dress off of her. I shake my head turning to go, maybe the lines are more blurred than I thought.

(Also I know that the image up top is her and Finn not her and Derek but can we just pretend that it is Derek instead?)

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