Anatomy lesson.

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Some smuttiness down below.

A week Later.

Meredith's POV:

I have spent every night this week at Derek's house, trying desperately to avoid Cristina's constant questioning. It is obvious that she thinks she knows the truth. She thinks that Derek and I are sleeping together, and while that is true I don't think she realizes that it is more than that. This thing with Derek may have started with a one night stand, but what it turned into I don't think either of us expected. Neither of us expected to fall in love. At least I know I didn't! And here I am in his home that day by day is starting to feel like my home as well and I know without a doubt that I love him more than I have ever loved anyone.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks startling me slightly as he sits down on the bed next to me.

"How much I love you" I shoot him a cheesy grin as he lays down on his side propping his head up with his hand.

"Come here" he says reaching for me.

"Mhm no way mister, I need to study for finals" I laugh shaking my head at him seriously and going back the flashcards in my hands.

"Mer." he says seriously causing me to look at him "take a break"

I sigh setting my book down and laying down beside him. The way that he looks at me is enough to take my breath completely away. Every little thing he does, from the way he smiles, to the way he softly runs his fingers through my hair is enough to make me fall even harder in love with him. I don't think he realizes what he has done to me, he has turned me into some sappy lovey dovey idiot.

"I love you Derek" I whisper still not used to the way the words feel in my mouth.

"I love you too" he smiles reaching out to pull my body closer to his.

The moment I feel his body make contact with mine my heart rate accelerates, I don't think he understands the things that just being near to him does to me. It is like I am a drug addict and he is my fix. The way his blue eyes swirl with colors when he looks at me is enough to make me blush.

"Stop looking at me like that" I laugh gently smacking his chest with my hand.

"Like what?" he inquires tilting his head slightly to the left.

"Like I am something to eat" I roll my eyes at him,

He looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes and before I can even blink he has rolled us over his body pressing down firmly against mine and his teeth lightly nibbling my neck and I can't help but laugh. My laughter soon turns to other noises as he gently sucks on my pulse point. I am so beyond turned on at this point that there is no turning back, but to my dismay he pulls away rolling completely off of me and laying down beside me.

"Hey, what the hell" I protest looking at him annoyed.

"You said it yourself, you need to study for finals" he looks at me loving the fact that he has the ability to tease me this way.

Well unfortunately for him, two can play at that game. I look at him trying to decide what course of action I want to take. I look at him trying to put an innocent look on my face.

"Will you please help me study?" I ask sweetly giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah what are you studying?" he asks looking happy to help.

"The muscular system" I answer truthfully.

"Okay, how are you studying? are you using flashcards or diagrams?" He inquires seriously wanting to help me.

"Well I have been using flash cards" I begin moving to straddle his waist " but I have a better idea"

He looks at me with a familiar glint in his eyes as I begin pushing his shirt up and over his head. I can't help but admire his muscular chest and well-toned abdomen.

"What are you doing?" he laughs slightly confused.

"Studying your anatomy" I say as if it is a perfectly reasonable explanation.

He looks at me swallowing hard as I begin running my hand along the hard planes of his chest. I begin tracing outlines of different muscles along his torso naming them as I go.

"serratus anterior, intercostals, external oblique..." I trail off making a trail with my hand down his body.

"Meredith" he sighs sexily as his hands reach up to grasp my waist and just by the look in his eyes I know that I have him in the palm of my hands.

"nuh-uh no touching" I smirk removing his hands from my body "I am not finished studying you."

He looks at me licking his lips slightly as I begin undoing his belt buckle. I swiftly slide his pants down removing his boxers as well and can't help but smirk at how hard he is already. I gently use my hand to stroke him and can't help but feel prideful at the reaction I get from him. I pause my movements and glance upward at him. I shoot him as sexy a look as I possibly can muster before bringing him completely into my mouth.

"M-Meredith" he stutters my name his hands instantly tangling in my hair as I taste him.

The way his husky moans fill the air and the way his hand in my hair causes him to move deeper into my throat creates a stirring in my stomach that is quite impossible to ignore. I want him so badly, but right now my only focus is to give him pleasure, and that is exactly what I do. My head gently bobs up and down each time taking more of him into my mouth until I am practically gagging. His hands tighten in my hair as he lets out one last breathy moan as he finishes.

I barely have time to swallow before he has my back pressed firmly against the bed and my hands pinned tightly above my hand.

"What are you doing?" I swallow hard, intrigued, and turned on by his sudden dominance.

"I am going to give you a real anatomy lesson" he whispers in my ear caressing each word.

"Good, I could really use your help Dr. Shepherd" I whisper back and I can't help but notice the kick he gets from my calling him Dr. Shepherd.

I chuckle quietly but the laughter soon turns to moans as his lips attach to my neck. While I am not quite sure what he has in store for me, but I am sure this in an anatomy lesson I will never forget.

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