Give Me A Reason To Stay.

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Derek's POV:

The rest of dinner was treacherous, she watched me practically the entire night, her green eyes begging and pleading me to return her glance. I did my very best to keep my eyes away from her, but I am only human and I can't help but be drawn to her. It was agonizing, but I did notice one thing, she was definitely less physical with her date, and her smile never met her eyes.

Eventually my torture was through as dinner came to an end and my future employers and I parted ways. I had to awkwardly walk past Meredith's table and as I was walking by I became intoxicated by the smell that is so distinctly her. Lavender, I inhaled deeply just taking it in relishing in the memories as I forced myself to walk by without looking at her.

I went straight home stripping off my clothes and crawling in between the sheets, hoping to get some sleep. After some time of tossing and turning and just general thinking, about Meredith of course, I finally fall asleep. How long I am actually asleep I am unsure but I am awoken by the sound of knocking at me front door.

I jump out of bed not even bothering to pull a shirt on as I make my way down the stairs. I pull open the door and I don't know who I expected to see there, but it most definitely wasn't her. She is soaked to the bone from the rain and she is shivering like mad.

"Can I come in" she asks a small smile on her face.

I open the door wider stepping aside so she can come in. She hangs her purse on one of the empty hooks and turns to look at me. I close the door shutting out the cold and wait for her to speak. All she does is stand there and stare, her clothes making tiny drops on the carpet. Her eyes flicker over my bare chest instantly filling with hunger, but that look quickly turns to sadness the moment her eyes meet mine.

"Don't leave" she stutters finally breaking the silence.

"I don't have a reason to stay" I reply my voice quiet as she reaches forward tentatively her cold hand trailing up my bare arm, leaving me with goosebumps.

"Don't leave Derek." She replies taking a step nearer to me her hand reaching up to caress my face. Her hands are freezing cold.

"Please" She pleads her green eyes freezing me in place as she reaches her other hand running her fingers through my hair. It feels wonderful, in the most painful way.

"Meredith..." I caution as her lips come dangerously close to mine.

"Please, Derek. Don't leave me" She begs and she is so close to me that I can feel her breath against my lips.

"You are the one you left" I accuse my voice steely.

"I made a mistake, I thought I was protecting you" She admits the brokenness in her voice cutting though me like glass.

"You said you never loved me" I whisper trying to keep the tears from my eyes.

"I lied, I love you Derek, too much. So please don't leave" She says her own irises filling as she tenderly strokes my face

"Give me on good reason to stay" I challenge, but my voice sounds broken and far away.

"Stay and let me show you that I love you" she whispers her lips once again hovering near mine.

That's when she does it, she presses her lips tentatively to mine, and I can already feel the pieces of my heart mending, just with that one simple kiss. At first I am unresponsive to feeling of her lips on mine but she just keeps kissing me until eventually like always I melt into her. I finally embrace her pulling her soaking wet body into mine and the kiss that was once tentative is now desperate.

He fingers tangle tightly in my hair her tongue begging for entrance and I grant it without even a second's hesitation. Our tongues swirl together as our hands began to explore each others body. Whatever this is happening between us, as desperate it may be, it is far from lust. It is like a drowning person coming up for air, trying to breath in as much as possible before he is pulled back under.

My hands find their way underneath her sweater, caressing the bare skin of her abdomen and I can't help but moan into her kiss as I rediscover the way her bare skin feels underneath my fingertips. My head is dizzy and both my body and my heart ache, needing to be even closer to her. I begin inching her sweater up her body revealing more and more of her luminescent skin. Our kiss breaks for the first time so that I can lift her top all the way off.

She looks at me nervously as I take in the sight of her, she is truly magnificent. But the minute our kiss broke the dizziness in my head seemed to clear and by looking into her eyes I can tell that her head is now free from the cloudiness of desire.

"Derek" she questions her green eyes peering into mine as she strokes her thumb across my lips.

"I want more than just one night, if you can't give that to me, I can't do this" I say trying to keep my eyes focused on her face and not on her exposed upper body.

"You can have all of me, forever." She whispers her words sending chills through me.

We stare at each other through the haze of our emotions and our sexual desires, waiting for one of us to make the first move. Once we start there is not stopping, we are like a train on a collision course, we couldn't stop if we wanted to. This next move could determine what happens between Meredith and I. This next move determines whether or not I have a reason to stay.

A/N: I know I left you on a cliffhanger, but I want to know what yall's think is going to happen between them. Do you think Derek is giving in to easily? Do you think Meredith really loves him?

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