Stupid Pregnancy Hormones.

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13 Weeks.

Derek's POV:

I am dying. Actually dying. That is of course if I am not already dead. I am so unbelievably tired, I feel like I haven't slept in a year. I almost drank an entire pot of coffee this morning and yet I am still having to stifle a yawn as I teach my first few periods. Meredith's sex drive is unrelenting, I feel like prey in my own house. She has kept me up all night every night it's like no matter how many times she achieves orgasm there is always one more to be had.

The only time I find rest is when she falls asleep. She looks so peaceful and serene when she is in dream land that it is easy to forget the crazed sex demon she has become this past week. Not that I am complaining, the sex is great. Better than great actually, it is hot and kinky and primal. It may very well be the best sex we have ever had, but a man needs his sleep.

I shuffle to my office hoping to catch a few z's in between classes. I walk into my office locking the door behind me and flopping down onto my couch with a sigh, it's not as comfortable as my bed at home, but it will do. Just as my consciousness is drifting a knock on my door startles me awake.

"God dammit" I grumble getting up and unlocking the door swinging it open to reveal my wife.

"hey can I get a minute, it's urgent?" she asks and the look in her eyes has me convinced that it is something serious.

"Yeah" I nod my head letting her into my office.

She locks the door before pushing me down onto the couch and straddling me. Her lips meet mine and as tired and confused as I am my body can't help but respond to hers.

"This was urgent?" I ask between kisses as she pushes my jacket off my shoulders.

"Yes, it's the stupid pregnancy hormones. They make me want to have sex all the time, urgently" she says her lips hardly ever leaving mine.

"I like the stupid hormones" I mumble against her mouth her hands moving to the hem of my shirt.

Suddenly, a bell sounds outside causing her to pull back in distress "Oh no" she whines, "I have a class" she explains in defeat.

"Are you crying?" I ask confused as her eyes begin to shine.

"No" she tries to deny it at first, "Yes, I cry every time I get mad" she finishes her voice jumping an octave.

"Wait your mad?" I ask confused.

"Yes, I'm mad because I can't have sex because I have a stupid class" she whines her eyebrows fused together.

I am just about to reply when there is a knock at the door, we look at each other startled.

"Dr. Shepherd do you have a moment?" an unrecognizable female voice calls.

I gently push Meredith off my lap and she looks at me offended as I go to see who is at my door. I open it to reveal an unfamiliar face.

"Hey, I um, I'm Renee, Collier. I think I am supposed to be your TA this quarter" she says awkwardly.

"Uhm, yeah okay. I don't have anything for you today, but if you come back this time tomorrow I will have some papers for you to grade" I reply equally as awkward.

She just nods her head and leaves, I shake my head and shut the door again before slumping on the couch next to my wife. She reaches for my hand intertwining our fingers.

"I'm glad we finally found you a ring too" she says her eyes looking down at my new wedding band.

"Yeah?" I ask wanting to know her reasoning.

"I like seeing you with it on, it makes me think about how lucky I am that you are mine and only mine" she smiles down at me happily.

"I've always been yours and only yours, you didn't need a ring to know that" I say laying my head on her chest and cuddling into her.

"I know, but now everyone else will see it and know it too" She says quietly as she runs her fingers lovingly through my hair.

We are quiet for a while, just sitting there enjoying each others company.

"I have to go to class soon, can I at least have a quickie?" she breaks the silence causing me to laugh.

"Meredith, I think I'm too tired" I groan as she straddles me her lips gently kissing my neck

"What if I do all the work?" she offers biting her lip.

"Yeah alright" I relent flashing her a smile as she begins unbuckling my pants.

God bless these stupid pregnancy hormones.

Meredith's POV:

I attempt to smooth my sex hair before I step into my next period class. While I may not be late I am the last one to class and I can feel every one's eyes on me. It is like I have a bullseye in the middle of my back and their eyes are the darts. I sit down blushing slightly at the thought of people looking at me and somehow being able to tell that I just had sex. I brush the thought away, there is no way they can tell just by looking at me, what does a little messy hair even prove?

However, it seems that it is easier to tell that I thought as I begin to hear their whispers. I don't know if they actually think that I can't hear them, or if they are purposely speaking loud enough for me to hear. Either way I can most definitely hear their every word.

"Did you know Grey is sleeping with Dr. Shepherd" a female voice says behind me.

"No way!" another voice exclaims.

"Seriously, I see them together all the time, she is always in his office doing god knows what and the way he looks at her makes it so obvious" the first girl retorts.

"Wow, well she is pretty luck then" the second girl replies.

"In my opinion I think it just makes her like all the other whor-"the first girl starts but I don't let her say another word.

I all of a sudden feel like my blood is actually boiling as my hand clench into fists my nails digging into my skin, "Do have something you want to say to my face?" I say aggressively turning around to face her.

At first, she looks taken aback, but then she too gets a little angry, "Yeah actually I do. I don't think it is very ethical for you do be screwing Dr. Shepherd"

At this point the entire rooms eyes are on us even the teacher is so startled by her words and is unable to respond. What comes out of my mouth next is no fault of my own and I am blaming it on pregnancy hormones.

"First off I don't care what you think, and second what happens between me and my husband is none of your god damn business" I say my voice slightly raised.

The entire room goes silent as everyone processes the words that I have just said. Once again, when this comes back to bite me in the ass I am going to blame it on the stupid pregnancy hormones.

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