I love him.

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POV: Saturday 6:30 AM

"Meredith wake up" I hear a woman's voice whisper.

"huh?" I open my bleary eyes confused.

"Come one, get up" the voice urges and after whipping my eyes I see that it is Amelia.

"What is it, what's wrong?" I sit up concerned turning to wake up Derek.

"No wait" she lunges forward grabbing my hand "I want to show you something come on!" she smiles practically pulling me out of bed.

"Do I need shoes?" I ask her as I grab Derek's jacket pulling it on.

"Yes, shoes definitely" she smiles at me with a grin so huge that it is hard for me to say no.

I quickly pull on my converse lacing them up as fast as possible while Amy stands there bouncing excitedly. I zip up my jacket and give her a thumbs up signaling that I am ready. She surprises me by reaching out and grabbing my hand.

"I have something special I want to show you" she grins in a way that reminds me so much like her brother.

She pulls me out into the hall and down to a bedroom at the very end. She grabs a throw blanket from off the bet and then begins opening the window. She pushes up the frame until it is just wide enough to get through and begins climbing out.

"Amy what are we doing!?" I ask following her lead and climbing out the window.

"Just wait, you will see" she laughs spreading out the blanket on the roof.

See the house is built so that part of the roof is flat. Amy spreads the blanket out and sits down patting the space beside her. I sit down and look at her expectantly.

"Just wait, you will see, its almost time" she answers my silent question a huge bright smile on her face.

"see it is starting!" she says excitedly pointing her finger.

"Amy whats starting?" I question looking in the direction that she is pointing "oh my god" I say when I realize why she brought me here.

"See I told you it was special" she sighs dreamily.

"Yeah it is" I laugh as I watch the sky change colors.

The once dark sky begins to change with every passing moment. It started off a dull purple but has now begun to change into a magnificent pink with gorgeous orange streaks. I think it may be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

"Amy this is amazing" I laugh looking at her surprised.

"I used to come out here every morning, and just watch the sky change colors" she smiles at me before laying down on the blanket.

"I am glad you showed me" I follow suit and lay down on the blanket as well.

"I showed my sisters once, they didn't understand" she looks at me sadly reaching out to grasp my hand "but now maybe I can have a sister that will" she looks at me expectantly her blue eyes shining.

"Amy, I haven't been dating your brother that long, I don't know what's going to happen" I smile trying not to crush her completely.

"He loves you, you know that right?" she asks.

"Yeah I do know that" I smile at the memory of the first time he told me "he has told me"

"Have you said it back?" she asks excitedly.

"No.." I trail off.

"Do you love him?" she looks at me with her brow raised.

"Yes, I definitely love him" I look at her kind of startled that I even admitted it out loud.

"That's good, its hard loving someone who doesn't love you back" she smiles at me sadly before going back to look at the sky.

I choose to let her comment go and turn to watch the sky as well. I love him. I finally said it out loud, now it is real. I Meredith Grey love Derek Shepherd, but how do I tell him?

Derek's POV: Saturday 8:00 AM

I wake up without her by my side just like the morning before and I assume that she is in the kitchen. I stretch and let out a huge yawn as I wipe the sleep from my bleary eyes. I crawl out of bed and head downstairs to get a cup of coffee only to find my mom and my three older sister there.

"Good morning" I greet them stopping to give my mother a kiss on the cheek before  moving to the coffee machine.

"Have any of you seen Meredith this morning?" I ask taking a sip.

"I haven't seen her" Liz says shrugging her shoulders.

"I haven't seen Amelia either" Nancy chimes in.

"Maybe they have fallen in love and decided to run away together" Kathleen jokes giving me a wink.

"Oh hush" my mom says to Kathleen before turning to me "they are on the roof"

"I didn't know Amelia even still went up there?" I ask sitting down at the counter.

"Every morning" mom smiles as she thinks about Amelia's eccentric behavior.

"I thought she only went alone?" Nancy asks obviously feeling hurt as she is usually Amelia's go to gall.

"She tried to take us up there once remember?" Liz says getting up to refill her cup.

They all shake their heads in remembrance, but I can't recall Amelia ever taking me up on the roof.

"Amelia never showed me?" I look around confused.

"She said it was a sister thing" Nancy shakes her head obviously jealous "She must think of Meredith as a sister"

"Or she is in love with her" Kathleen laughs.

"For the last time Katy, Amelia is not gay" Liz laughs "And I'm assuming Meredith isn't either"

"I am telling you, Amelia is gay" Kathleen chuckles as mom gives her a look.

"Well I think-" begins Liz ready to argue before Nancy interrupts.

"Ahh there you two are, Good morning" she says in a chipper voice as Amelia and Meredith walk in to the kitchen.

"Good morning" they say almost in unison as  Amelia goes to poor them both a cup of coffee.

"Thank you" Meredith smiles as Amelia hands her a cup.

She comes to stand by me setting her cup down beside mine.

"I missed you this morning" I look up at her happily.

"I know, I'm sorry" she smiles reaching out to stroke my cheek with her freezing cold fingertips.

"Don't be" I smile taking her hands in mine and kissing her cold fingers before blowing on them gently.

"You guys are gross" Amelia says taking a sip of her coffee.

Meredith shoots her a dirty look before turning to smile at me with a smile so gorgeous it almost hurts. God I love this woman, with every part of me I love this woman. Now I just need to find a way to make her love me back.

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