I Can't Make You Love Me.

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Meredith's POV:

The feeling of waking up in his arms must be the best feeling I have ever known. Sure, there are a lot of things that compare, like cold drinks on hot days or putting on a shirt that just came out of the dryer, but while those things are very nice they seem pale in comparison to what it is like to be in his arms.

I feel so protected when in his embrace, and my heart swells every time he subconsciously pulls my body closer to his. The absence of clothes only makes it better. His skin is so smooth and silky against mine and just the feeling of his bare skin against mine conjures thoughts so inappropriate I would dream of divulging them to anyone, not even to him.

I pull out of his embrace gently trying my hardest not to disturb his sleep. I smile at the fact that he doesn't even stir, it seems almost like a stroke of luck since he is usually a light sleeper. I wrap myself in my old red robe and head down stairs to the kitchen.

Pouring myself a steaming cup of coffee I begin pulling ingredients out of pantry and the fridge. I am relieved that pancakes are Derek's favorite breakfast food since that is one of the only things I know how to make. I get started on mixing the batter trying not to make a huge mess as I go.

I am laying the last of the pancakes on a plate when I feel his strong arms slide around my waist, "Good morning" he says softly pressing a kiss to my neck.

"I made you pancakes" I greet back leaning into his embrace.

"Thank you" he squeezes me gently before releasing me and taking the plate of pancakes to the table.

"Coffee?" I ask picking up the carafe and raising my eyebrows at him in question.

"Yes please" he smiles at me his white teeth gleaming as he dishes up two plates.

I pour him a cup of coffee, setting it before his and kissing him lightly before going to sit across from him. We dig in, eating in silence at first, just stuffing our faces with the wonderful fluffy goodness that is pancakes. There is something so freeing about moments like this, just sitting at the breakfast table with the love of your life, not wearing a single scrap of makeup and your hair looking a mess.

"Move in with me" he says breaking the silence, startling me with his words.

"What" I manage to choke out around a mouthful of pancake.

"Sorry, that came out wrong" he laughs reaching across the table for my hand "Meredith Grey, will you move in with me?"

I swallow the food in my mouth and look at him with wide eyes, "Seriously?".

"Seriously, you don't have too if you don't want to, but you are here all the time anyways..." he rambles cutely but I cut him off.

"Yes, of course I will move in with you." I say excitement evident in my voice.

He us about to say more when the phone rings, he holds up one finger signaling that he will be back to finish this conversation. He picks up the phone, and while I can't hear the conversation on the other end I can see the look on his face and it makes me nervous.

"Yes sir, I will be right in" He says hanging up the phone.

I look at him questioningly, "Dean Webber wants to speak with me, he knows about us." He says his voice racked with nerves.

"Oh god..." I say standing up my blood feeling ice cold.

"Hey..." he says rubbing my arms soothingly "Don't you worry about it, I never favored you in any way shape or form, there is no way for me to get in trouble for this. It's all going to be okay"

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