I don't know but I want to.

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Meredith's POV:

I wake up with my head pounding and I don't dare to open my eyes knowing all to well that I am not in my own bed. I keep my eyes shut just a minute longer trying to delay the walk of shame. Shit, what time is it! School starts today I think sitting straight up in bed.

I take in mine surroundings the room is large, but every available space is taken up by boxes that have yet to even be opened. I look down at the grey silk sheets covering my very naked body and search the room for my clothes and purse.

I see them across the room carelessly piled on the floor. I look around not seeing , what was his name again? oh yeah Derek, Derek is no where to be found so I begin to get up out of bed ready to run to my clothes.

"Good morning" his voice comes from the doorway startling me.

I quickly snatch up the bed sheet covering myself up in embarrassment before raising my eyes to meet his gaze. He is completely dressed, his hair still slightly damp from the shower he must have taken. In his hand he holds a freshly brewed cup of coffee that I wont lie smells heavenly.

"I made this cup for you" he smiles walking over to me handing me the coffee and placing a small kiss on my lips as if it was the most normal thing to do.

"Thank you" I smile at him tenderly reveling in the feeling of his soft lips on mine, "what time is it?" I inquire.

"Little passed seven, which means I have to be going soon" he says eyeing me up and down regretfully.

"Shit, I am going to be late for my first day!" I groan.

"Here is a key, take your time getting ready, feel free to use my shower. Just lock up before you leave and put the key under the mat" he smiles kissing me softly one more time before turning to leave.

"Oh and Meredith?" he adds as he if half way out the door "I had an amazing time last night" he shoots me a wink  before leaving me alone in his bedroom.

I stand there dumbstruck as I hear his front door shut. I look at the clock by his bedside and contemplate just going to school as I am. I decide to take him up on his offer and quickly jump into his shower.

I swear that was the quickest shower I have ever taken, and unfortunately I am forced to throw on my outfit from last night. I quickly finish my cup of coffee, and am so thankful for it. I set my cup down into the sink, rushing out the door not forgetting to put the key under the mat.

I look around relieved to see that he lives relatively close to my own apartment, I can evens see the college from here, maybe I won't be late after all I pray as I practically sprint to mine and Cristina's apartment.

I reach it to find that she has already left for our first class, Advance placement anatomy an physiology. Which is no surprise seeing as she hates being late. She has however laid out clothes for me along with a note that I can't help but laugh out loud at.

Figured you would need these, you slut.- Love C

Short and sweet, I think rolling my eyes as I quickly pull on the clothes she has left for me just a simple pair of jeans and a cream sweater. I pull on some boots and grab my book back running out the door.

I look at my phone realizing that I have a total of ten minutes to get to the science building! I don't think I am going to make it as I weave through all of the foot traffic of the campus. I finally find the room and walk in no surprise a solid five minutes late. I look around the hall searching for an open spot when I lock eyes with Cristina in the first row who has managed to save me a seat.

"You are late" says the Professor from the white board not bothering to turn around.

He doesn't need to turn around, I would know that voice anywhere. I stop dead in my tracks as he turns around and my heart beats out of my chest as recognition flashes across his eyes as well as something else. Regret?

I am stared into the eyes of Derek Shepherd. That must be why I recognized his last name last night. The man whom I had a one night stand with is my teacher!

"Please take a seat Miss..." he trails off waiting for me to finish my name for him.

"Grey, Meredith Grey sir." I shyly inform him slightly stung by his coldness.

"don't make being late to my class a habit Ms. Grey" he says dryly as he goes back to writing on the board.

I quickly make my way to the open seat by Cristina and sit down pulling out my textbook. He finishes writing his name across the board and turns around to address the class.

"Now that we are all here" he pauses glaring in my direction " allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dr. Derek Shepherd I am a Doctor of Human anatomy and Physiology. You can call me Dr. Shepherd, Mr. Shepherd, hell you can even just call me Shepherd. But under no circumstances are you permitted to call me by my first name"

Everyone swallows heavily as he continues to instruct us on what we should expect throughout the semester. I look around the room and can't help but grin at all the girls with that dreamy look in there eyes, and I truly hope that I am not coming through as one of them. He begins passing out our first work sheet. I reach out to take a stack from him our hands slightly brush against each others and I can just barely detect a grin on his face.

"If you read chapter one this worksheet should be pretty easy for you, feel free to work in pairs, I will be just at my desk if you need anything" he informs us before going and sitting at his desk.

"You want to work together?" I ask Cristina.

"Yes, but first details about last night, you didn't come home?" she says phrasing the last part as a fact rather than a question.

"I don't have much to tell" I say looking up to see Dr. Shepherd watching us, it is obvious that he can hear our conversation.

"Obviously something happened, did you get lucky" she pushes continuing to do the worksheet

"I did" I admit blushing as I write down the answers to the first few problems.

"Was it any good?" she asks with a chuckle.

"it was.." I begin looking up from my paper and locking eyes tentatively with Dr. Shepherd. "It was amazing"

"Plan on seeing him again?" Cristina continues to grill me.

"I don't know" I sigh dropping my gaze from his.

"I don't know but I want to"

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