Publicly Yours

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Meredith's POV

I don't even remember falling back asleep but here I am waking up to the feeling of him gently stroking my hair. It feels so amazingly wonderful that I don't dare move for fear that he will stop. He hugs me slightly closer to him and I can hear him humming a tune that I don't recognize.

"I know you are awake" he says, and I swear I can hear the smile in his voice.

"I don't want to move" I murmur snuggling into his chest.

"We don't have to, not yet" he laughs and I can feel the vibrations in his chest, "but eventually we should get out of bed"

"Why, can't we just stay here like this all day?" I ask, and I am being completely serious.

"We could" he offers "But then I would have to cancel our reservations"

"What reservations?" I inquire lifting my head off his chest and narrowing my eyes at him.

"I wanted to make up for last night" he says his blue eyes filled with remorse, "I didn't mean what I said Meredith."

"I know... "I try to interrupt to tell him that all is forgiven and that he doesn't need to give me an explanation but he cuts me off.

"Please let me finish?" he asks sitting up in the bed. I sit up to moving so that I can comfortably look him in the eyes and nod for him to continue. He reaches for my hands grasping them in his before taking a big breath.

"I love you, completely and unconditionally. What we have is so special, something that only happens once in a life time if you are lucky. We are not a mistake, I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and made a lot of poor choices and Meredith you are not one of them. You are the best choice I have ever made." He pauses to compose himself as he is obviously getting emotional and hearing him speak so freely is make me emotional as well.

"What I said last night was so uncalled for, and I would give anything to take it back, but I can't turn back the clock. So please, at least let me try to make it up to you? Will you go out to dinner with me tonight?" He asks and I swear it is getting harder and harder to breathe.

I move from my position and wrap myself around him pulling him as close as possible and pressing my lips to his, "I love you" I mumble against his lips over and over as I kiss him with as much passion as I possibly can. Our kissing doesn't escalate but instead comes to a comfortable end.

"So where are you taking me?" I prompt pulling out of our embrace to look into his eyes.

"I got us reservations at Canlis" he says smiling at me and wagging his eyebrows.

"Aren't you worried someone might see?" I ask nervously.

"Meredith" he says my name fondly stroking my cheek affectionately, "Grades are in, this quarters over, and you are no longer my student"

I feel my stomach twist as I take it exactly what his words mean, "We don't have to hide anymore" I look at him completely awestruck.

"No, we don't, and I want the world to know that we are together." He smiles at me sweetly.

"Aren't you worried about your job?" I ask, no matter how much I want people to know that he is mine, I don't want to jeopardize his career.

"I'm not worried, there is no rule that states that a teacher can't take a former student out for dinner, and even if it does raise questions I in no way favored you when you were my student." He smiles twisting a lock of my blonde hair between his fingers.

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