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20 weeks

Derek's POV:

You hear about it all the time, how women glow when they are pregnant, but you never really notice until you watch it happen up close. For Meredith, it seemed to happen overnight, she hit twenty weeks and BAM! Her baby belly seems to have grown exponentially since the day before and my god is she glowing. Even as I lay watching her sleep she exudes radiance. I watch as her chest rises and falls slowly with each breath she takes and I can't help but long to reach out and touch her.

As careful as I can I inch my body closer to hers praying that I don't wake her. The minute I close the gap between us she lets out a sweet sigh of contentment, as if my proximity calms her. I snuggle into her and shut my eyes just trying to breathe in this moment. If you would have told me when we met at the bar that we would eventually get married and be starting a family I would have laughed. But being where I am now I couldn't imagine my life turning out any other way.

I am not sure if I fell asleep, or if I was just simply laid there enjoying the feeling of her in my arms but eventually the alarm begins to go off, alerting us that it is time to start our busy day. She groans loudly as I remove my body from hers to shut off the alarm. I return to my earlier position kissing her bare shoulder a few times before nuzzling into her.

"Good morning" I whisper against her neck moving my hand to her swollen belly.

"What time is it" she asks her voice so wonderfully laced with sleep.

"Half passed nine" I reply leaning up to look at her.

"What time is our appointment?" she rolls over

to look at up at me witch sleep eyes.

"Not until noon" I smile down at her. She looks so beautiful in the morning.

"Then why are we waking up this early" she grumbles moving to roll back over onto her side.

"You can go back to sleep" I smile rolling over cuddling into her once more, "But I am going to go take a shower, and then I will make you breakfast"

"Mhm, a shower sounds nice" she sighs as I begin kissing her neck.

"Come take one with me, conserve water" I whisper against her ear before continuing my assault on her neck.

"Whenever we take showers together we always end up staying in there forever anyways so we aren't even conserving water" she teases, but I know that she is leaning towards yes.

"Hmm True" I ponder out loud pausing to dust a few light kisses along her shoulder, "Come take a shower with me anyways"

"Hmmm" she begins pretending like she has to weigh her options, "All right, but on one condition" she smiles sitting up the bedsheet falling off her body to reveal her bare torso.

"And what is that?" I inquire, slightly distracted by her exposed upper body.

"Eyes up here Derek" She chuckles cause me to meet her gaze, "Will you make me French toast?"

"I will make you whatever you want as long as it means that you will get in the shower with me" I tease throwing the covers off my body and getting out of bed.

I offer her my hand and she takes it graciously as I lead her into our bathroom. I turn the shower on and allow the water to head up as she takes a brush to her wildly tangled haired.

"This is all your fault" she grumbles as she drags her brush through a snarl.

"I'm not the least bit sorry" I smirk reaching out to smack her backside.

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