Very good bad idea

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Meredith's POV:

Just a few drinks I laugh to myself as I toss back my fourth tequila shot. I am actually really enjoying this bar. It is quiet and the barkeep is kind, plus there is no drink frat boys hitting on me. Joe is pouring me another shot when I feel some ones eyes on me.

I try to ignore the gaze but curiosity gets the best of me as I shift my gaze upwards and to the left of me. My eyes meet the most startling pair of blue eyes and I am taken aback by the man looking at me.

He is obviously older than me I think looking at the small gray streak in his dark brown hair. I blush at the though of being checked out by an older man. Let alone a very handsome older man. To my surprise he gives me a confident smile before coming in my direction.

"Can I buy you a drink" He smiles his dazzling smile at me as he sits down next me.

"I already have a drink" I tease him gesturing towards my shot glass.

"I see that, well allow me to buy your next drink" He continues to flirt.

"I don't accept drinks from strangers" I shoot back.

"Well allow me to introduce myself" he grins extending his hand "I'm Derek, Derek Shepherd"

"Meredith Grey" I reply trying to recall where I have heard the name shepherd before.

As soon as my hand touches his warm one I feel a spike of electricity flow through me. I release his hand and look into his gorgeous eyes to see if he had felt it too. He just simply gives me a grin making it impossible to tell.

It is hard to judge how long we sat there talking but the drinks have definitely been flowing. I didn't come out with the intention of getting sloppy drunk and yet here I am 3/4s there and god only knows what time it is.

"What brings you to Seattle?" he grills me his icy eyes flickering from my eyes to my lips.

"I have lived here all my life" I tell him not wanting to give out too much information "How about you?"

"Just moved here a few months ago, new job" he grins finishing his current drink.

"What do you do?" I question genuinely curious.

"Well-" he begins before getting cut off my the bartender.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but its last call, you don't have to go home, you just can't stay here" Joes winks.

I take a look around the bar realizing that we are in fact the last ones there. I look at Derek sheepishly as he pulls out his wallet and pays for both of our drinks.

"You didn't have to do that!" I protest and he just grins.

"It was my pleasure Meredith, do you mind if I walk you out?" he asks like a true gentleman.

"No not at all" I smile as he takes my jacket and helps my slide my arms into it.

I head towards the door turning back just in time to see Joe give Derek a cheeky wink.

What could that mean.

Derek's POV:

I follow her outside and can't help but laugh as she stumbles down the sidewalk. I put my arm around he waist in order to keep her from tipping over. I too however and very tipsy and we end up both stumbling down the street.

"Do you need me to call you a cab?" I ask her

"No I am close enough to walk it is fine" she says her words slightly slurred.

"Let me walk you" I demand, there is no way that I am letting her walk home alone like this.

"Derek it is fine I swear, I'm not that drunk" she smiles stopping on the side walk to talk to me.

"Let me at least call you a cab?" I offer seeing as though she won't budge.

"I have a better idea" she smirks looking up at me with her dazzling emerald eyes.

"And what is that?" I question pushing a stray lock of blonde hair out of her face.

"Take me home with you" she whispers raising her eyebrows suggestively.

I look at her startled by her suggestive comment unsure of what to do. We are both inebriated, and she is obviously younger than me. But the way she is looking at me right now makes it impossible for me to say no to her.

I reach for her hand pulling her in the opposite direction towards my house. I look down at her with her gleaming eyes and bright smiles. We both know that this is a very bad idea.

A very good bad idea

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