What it feels like to fly.

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Derek's POV: Thursday, Thanksgiving morning.

There is something so freeing about riding on the ferry. I grew up riding on them and have so many fond memories of them. Memories of riding them with my mother and all my sisters on Saturdays to go to the zoo or the market or some music show. But of all of my fond memories I cherish the ferry trips with my dad and my little sister Amy.

"God I love Ferry boats" I mutter to myself more than anyone.

"did you say something?" Meredith gets my attention gently tugging on my hand that is firmly grasped in hers.

"sorry, thinking out loud" I blush slightly embarrassed at getting caught talking to myself.

She just gives me a sidelong glance her green eyes shining. She looks so cozy and cute. Her blonde hair hangs in natural waves and her face glows with her bright smile. She has her coat wrapped tightly around her and that red scarf I gave her wound around her neck.

"Still cant believe you stole my scarf" I shake my head at her.

"Hey!" he exclaims getting defensive "you gave this to me, remember 'you look good in red'" she mocks me.

"I do not sound like that" I glower.

"Oh sorry let me try again" she clears her throat, " 'Hi I'm Derek Shepherd but you can call me McDreamy' "

"Mc-What?" I ask her confused.

"McDreamy, that's what all the girls in class call you, but I don't think you're suppose to know that" she laughs lightly.

"Hmm I quiet like that" I tease her my chest swelling with pride "do you ever call me McDreamy?"

"yeah I do, but only when I make fun of you" she winks dropping my hand and walking off towards the front of the ferry.

"Hey, what do you mean when you make fun of me?" I question but she is in her own world.

"Shhh don't talk I am busy" she whispers stepping up onto the hull of the ferry and squeezing her eyes tightly shut.

"Busy doing what Meredith" I laugh confused by her erratic behavior.

"I'm pretending that I am flying, like in the titanic" she grins stretching her arms out like a bird.

"Have you been drinking?" I tease.

"NO" she looks at me crossly "haven't you ever seen titanic"

"Yes" I chuckle walking up behind her and wrapping my arms around her slim waist "but I swear to god Meredith if you start singing Celine Dion I will push you off this boat"

"Don't be so rude" she laughs cocking her head to give me a soft kiss "do you think this is what it really feels like to fly?"

I don't know if it is the look of innocence in her eyes or the way she worded the question but I am instantly reminded of the last ferry boat ride I ever took with my dad and Amy. My stomach twists in tight knots as I remember her perched on dads shoulders, her small voice asking him that same question 'do you think this is what it feels like to fly'.

So I decide to give Meredith the same answer that my dad gave Amy, "Yes, I bet you a million dollars worth of pennies that it is"

Meredith's POV: 2:00 PM.

I feel like my blood is coursing through my veins at a billion miles per hour as Derek helps me out of taxi. It wouldn't be so bad if Derek wasn't acting so odd. Ever since the ferry ride he has been strangely quiet which is so unlike him.  The driver pops the trunk and Derek gets out our suitcases. He grabs his suitcase in one hand and reached for my hand with the other.

"Are you ready?" he smiles at me, but the smile doesn't quiet reach his eyes.

"No, but lets go" I look at him trying to figure out what he is thinking.

We walk hand in hand up to the ornate wooden front door and he reaches over hitting the door bell. Within seconds the door swings open revealing a very cheerful looking older woman. Just looking at her it is easy to see that she is Derek's mother. Although her hair is completely grey and her eyes a chocolate brown they share the same bright smile.

"well what are you two still doing outside, come on in!" she exclaims ushering us inside.

The house is warm, and smells of vanilla and cinnamon. There is a sense of home here that I don't think I have ever felt. Its the kind of place you imagine happy loving families living. I can imagine Derek growing up in this house.

"Mom, this is my girlfriend Meredith" Derek smiles, this time it reaches his eyes.

"It is nice to meet you Mrs. Shepherd. You have a lovely home" I smile reaching out to shake her hand.

"oh nonsense,  Mrs. Shepherd was my mother-in-law call me Carolyn, and in this house we hug" she laughs pulling me into a hug.

"Now, you can go put your stuff in Derek's old room, but hurry back, everyone will be here soon" she says before flitting back to the kitchen.

"Come one, my room is this way" Derek shakes his head grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the stairs.

He opens the door to his childhood bedroom and can't help but smile as it is obvious that his mother never changed a thing. His bed is made and his closet is still full of his old clothes. Old posters hang on the wall and trophies sit atop the desk.

"Did you get these for sports?" I ask him letting go of my suitcase and reaching for one of his many trophies.

"well kind of" he laughs wrapping his arms around me and kissing me on the cheek.

"juggling, you juggle?" I look at him trying to suppress my laughter.

"Hey, juggling is hard" he defends himself.

"I will take your word for it" I smile at him setting his trophy back in its place.

I pull out of his embrace to take me scarf and coat off laying them down on the bed revealing my simple black blouse.

"This is nice" he tells me tugging at the hem lightly.

"Your sure I look okay? I want your family to like me" I look at him feeling silly for being so insecure.

"Meredith, you look absolutely beautiful" he compliments me gently kissing me. "And I can guarantee that my family will love you as much as I do"

"Derek, I-" I begin before I am cut off my the sound of his mothers voice from down the hall.

"Derek, your sisters are here" her voice echoes

"Coming" he shouts back before turning to look at me. " what were you going to say?"

"Nothing, lets go" I smile intertwining out fingers together as we leave the safety of his bedroom.

I put on my game face, and pretend that my nerves aren't killing me. In the back of my mind I cant help but wonder when I will get the chance to tell him. To tell him that I love him too.

A/N: I have a super cute/ funny chapter planned for tomorrow!

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