Undressing You With My Eyes.

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The above picture is how I imagine her looking.

Derek's POV:

I have been planning this night for a while. I wanted to do something special for her, to make up for all the crap we have been through. I have been meticulously planning every moment of this night, going over it in my head to make sure that everything is perfect. I have decided to keep it simple, but romantic. I know Meredith pretends to hate all this corny romance stuff, but I can see it in her eyes that she secretly likes it.

I tried to tone it down a little, I know it makes her uncomfortable when I spend a lot of money on her. So tonight, I figured I would give her a romantic night in. I've made sure that my house is pristinely clean, and I even set up the table with flowers and votive candles. I look at my watch and smile when I realize that she could be here any minute.

I told her to meet me here, that I was taking her out. I thought it would be nice to surprise her with a home cooked meal. I made Italian since it is her favorite and I went out and bought the best bottle of red wine I could get my hands on. I honestly just want to treat her, we have been through so much these past three months and it is finally starting to feel like we are on track again.

I am interrupted by a light knock on the door and rush to open it knowing exactly what awaits me on the other side. I swing the door open and while I know who I was expecting on the other side I wasn't expecting her to look like that. Her blonde hair frames her face in waves and the makeup she wears is light, but still manages to illuminate her gorgeous green eyes. The blue sweater dress she wears hugs her in all the right ways falling just above the knees.

"Wow" I say slightly taken aback how this ethereal woman could ever belong to me.

"Do I look okay?" she asks with a shy smile, as if she doesn't already know that I find her breathtaking.

"You are absolutely stunning Meredith" I smile reaching for her hand and pulling her inside.

I stroke her cheek lightly staring lovingly into her eyes before leaning in to capture her lips. Her lips are soft and warm underneath mine and they taste oh so sweet. She breaks the kiss pulling back with a smile on her face that is so sweet it makes my stomach do flip flops.

"You look nice too" she compliments tugging at my blue dress shirt lightly.

"We look pretty damn good together huh?" I tease shooting her a wink.

"Yeah, we do" she laughs, the sound making me weak, "Where are we going?"

"I actually figured we would stay in tonight" I tell her taking her by the hand and bringing her into the kitchen.

She gasps aloud as she looks at the setup I have in the kitchen, just candles shining everywhere, but even the flames of the candles don't compart to the way her eyes shine when she turns to look at me.

"You did this for me?" she squeaks her hand squeezing mine tightly.

"I did, I made spinach risotto so I hope you are hungry" I smile pressing a kiss to her hair as she wraps her arms around me.

"I'm always hungry" she laughs the sound filling my house from top to bottom.

"That is true, you are like a bottomless pit" I tease pulling her chair out for her.

"Hey!" she exclaims as she sits down giving me a stubborn look.

"Just teasing babe" I smile helping her scoot her chair in.

"You better be" she retorts as I go to dish us both up.

I bring her back a plate and set it down in front of her before setting my food down as well. I remember the wine and run to grab it. I pop the cork startling her and pour us both a glass. I sit down across from her, and we begin our dinner.

"Derek, this is so good" she sighs happily before taking another sip of her wine.

"I am glad you like it" I smile my nerves increasing as I think about the conversation I am about to have with her.

"Is everything okay?" she asks obviously sensing my unease.

"There is actually something I wanted to talk to you about" I chuckle nervously setting my fork down beside my plate.

She does the same and looks at me attentively, "Okay go I'm listening".

"I talked to the dean of Harvard today" I begin watching as her face instantly falls, "I officially resigned my application"

The nervousness in her eyes goes away but there is a sad quality to them that I can't place, "I don't want you to give up your dreams for me" she explains.

"You, Meredith Grey, are my dream" I say in all seriousness reaching for her hand across the table.

"I don't want you to resent me for holding you back" She admits her eyes carrying that same sad look.

"I would never feel that way Meredith. The only reason I was leaving was because I thought you and I were through. Now that I know that we aren't I don't want to be away from you another minute" she smiles at my words and I take that as an invitation to carry on, "I actually have something to ask you"

"O-kay" she says enunciating each syllable.

"This house only feels like home with you in it. The closet is only half filled without your clothes hung in it and the bathroom looks weird without your makeup cluttering the counter top. Most importantly, my bed feels so empty without you beside me. I don't want to sleep another night without you next to me. Will you move in with me?" I ask trying to slow down my nervous voice.

"Yes!" she laughs excitedly not hesitating for even a second, "I have a hard time sleeping without you" she admits.

We eat a little more, just generally chitchatting before washing up, she is drying her hands off on a dish towel when suddenly I get an impromptu idea. I slip out of the room and pull an old record off my shelf and place it on the record player. I get the needle lined up at the song I want and turn it on. The music floats through the living room and it doesn't take her long to come investigating.

"What are you doing?" she interrogates me.

"I" I begin reaching for her and pulling her into my embrace, "Am dancing with the love of my life"

She doesn't say anything, she just sighs contently laying her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arms around me. We begin swaying gently to the sound of Eric Clapton's, Wonderful tonight, through the slightly scratchy speaker of my record player.

The song doesn't last nearly as long as I want it too and the record player clicks off the needle sliding back into starting position. We stay a moment in our embrace, neither of us wanting to break apart from this embrace.

"I love you so much Derek, I don't know what I did to deserve you, but god I love you" she sniffles pulling back to look at me her jade eyes slightly red rimmed.

"I love you too Mer, please don't cry, I have an entire evening planned for us and I want to see you happy" I say cupping her face and gently stroking her cheek with my thumb.

"I just love you so much that It makes me emotional" she chuckles smiling up at me, "What else could you possibly have planned for us?"

"I was hoping we could revisit our time in New York and you would agree to take a bath with me" I smirk as her face lights up.

"I would be more than happy too" she laughs obviously remember that day so many months ago that she decided to get into the bath with me uninvited.

I grasp her hand leading her upstairs desire twisting in my stomach at the thought of finally undressing her with my hands the same way I have been undressing her with my eyes all night.

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