Mile high club.

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Meredith's POV:  Saturday Evening.

I don't want to leave. I have really gotten to love Derek's family and I truly hate goodbyes. But if we want to catch our flight we have to leave now. Saying goodbye to the kids is quiet hard, they just seem to cling with their little arms and they are so hard to pry off. You never really think about how strong children are until you try to pry them off. Little Lidia was probably the hardest one to say goodbye too, I have taken quiet a liking to her.

"Don't go Meredith" she whines her voice high pitches as she wraps her arms and legs tightly around me nuzzling her face into my neck.

"Honey, Meredith and Uncle Derek have to go or else they will miss their flight" Nancy tries to soothe her youngest child.

"Me and Meredith will come back and visit Lidia" Derek chimes in gently rubbing Lidia's back.

"Promise?" she asks peeking out from behind her brown curls.

"Promise" me and Derek say in unison flashing each other a smile.

She looks at me with her big child's eyes and flashes me a smile before giving me one last squeeze. I hand her over to Derek and she hugs him tightly her head on his shoulder. The sight makes my heart flutter, she looks so much like him that it is easy to imagine that's what his future children might look like.

He sets her down to run and play with her cousins as we say goodbye to his mother and all his sisters.

"It was nice to meet you Meredith, you are welcome anytime" his mother says hugging me tightly.

I have never met a woman as warm and loving as Carolyn shepherd, she is everything that a mother ought to be. I say goodbye to Derek's older sisters and am shocked when they hug me, especially Nancy because she was such a bitch to me in the beginning. Lastly it is time to say goodbye to Amy, a goodbye that I am truly dreading, I really have come to love this girl like a sister.

"Amy" I smile at her bringing her tightly in my arms.

"I wish you didn't have to leave so soon" she laughs although there is some sadness in her voice. 

"Me either, Im really going to miss you" I admit at she lays her head on my shoulder.

It is odd how much I care for Amy seeing as though we haven't known each other that long. I really have begin to think of her as a sister. Even though she is older than me, there is something about her that seems so fragile and vunerable that I find the need to protect her.

"You have my number, make sure to keep in touch" she squeezes me "and Meredith, tell him" she whispers so only I can hear her.

"I will I promise" I pull back answering both her questions.

Derek hugs his sisters and then it is off the airport. He loads our luggage into the back of taxi before opening the door politely for me. He gets in beside me his hand instantly reaching for mine. I look at him and I can't help but feel my heart about to burst with all the things I want to tell him.

"Derek.." I begin, this is it, I am going to tell him I love him.

"Yeah?" he looks at me a happy smile on his face.

"I.. I love.. that you brought me here" I say chickening out.

"Me too" he chuckles bringing my knuckles up to him lips before turning to star out of the window.

God, I can't believe I chickened out. The movies always make it seem so easy. I just don't know how to do it.

Derek's POV: On the plane.

I can feel her shaking in the seat beside me and I know there is nothing I can do to calm her. I wish she would have told me that she was so scared of flying. I look at her with her eyes tightly shut and I can't help but wonder why she put herself through all of this torment just to come with me to New York . Her body is shaking so hard that I am surprised that I cant hear her teeth rattling.

"Mer" I reach out to stroke her cheek.

"Derek" she whines and her voice sounds so broken that I almost hate myself for inviting her.

I grasp her chin gently turning her towards me. I don't know what to do, I have never met someone so scared of flying but it breaks my heart to see her like this.

"Meredith what can I do" I ask tenderly stroking her face.

"Kiss me?" she pleads finally opening her gorgeous green eyes.

I am startled at her request but waste no time in complying. I touch my lips to hers gently and instantly feel her body relax. She sighs contently into my mouth as all the tension leaves her body. He lips are quiet possibly the softest thing I have ever felt and I would kiss her forever if it weren't for the fact that we were on a plane surrounded by other people. I pull away looking into her green eyes.

"Why did you stop" she asks narrowing her eyes at me .

"It is rude to make our in public" I joke pecking her on the lips once more.

She looks at me a mischievous smirk in her eyes, a look that I have come to know too well. God only knows what that look could mean. She leans up to whisper in my ear her breath tickling my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"I am going to the bathroom, meet me there in five minutes" she says before pulling away and giving me a wink.

She gives me a peck as she gets out of her seat and heads down the isle. I look around me, the flight we are on is a late one so most everyone is either reading, watching a movie or sleeping. The rational part of my brain tells me that this is a bad idea but the idea of joining the mile high club with her has me intrigued. I look around once more making sure the coast is clear before standing up and following the direction that she went.

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