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Derek's POV:

"Looks like the party is winding down" I say but her attention is elsewhere "Meredith are you listening to me?" I laugh.

"We should probably sneak inside now" she smiles as I pull my button up over her bare shoulders.

"Hmm, I think we have done enough sneaking tonight, it was good sneaking, but enough" I laugh running my fingers through her now very messy blonde hair.

"We are pretty good sneakers" she smirks her green eyes bearing into mine.

I pull her face down towards mine but just before our lips meet there is a sudden knock on the window. I feel my blood instantly turn to ice as both of our head whip to the side. I feel slight relief when I meet the eyes of Cristina Yang, although my relief quickly turns to embarrassment as I realize that I am still half naked.

"The party is winding down, you two either need to say your goodnights or get out of here" she says sternly looking back towards the apartment where heavily intoxicated students are now beginning to trickle out.

"Take me home with you?" Meredith says her voice sultry and I almost envy the fact that she is too intoxicated to be worried about our impending exposure.

"Okay, get in the back" I instruct and she does as I ask.

She doesn't say anything she just simply hands me back my shirt and I can't help but get momentarily distracted by the fact that she is half naked in my backseat. I push all my inappropriate thoughts away and slide my shirt on buttoning a few buttons and quickly starting the car. The drive to my home is short but the tension grows thicker by the second until I feel like I am suffocating.

I park the car in my driveway and catch her eye through the review mirror. If she feels the same amount of tension that I do she isn't showing it. I grab my pants from the floor and maneuver them on as quickly as I can be handing her the rest of her clothes.

"Derek..." She begins but I quickly cut her off.

"Just get dressed, let's go inside." I say my voice low and I swear I see a flash of hurt in her emerald eyes. "I will make some coffee and we can talk"

She doesn't say anything, she just hurriedly gets dress and follows me into the house. Things are silent as the coffee brews and I think of how to phrase me next words. I pour us both a cup and sit across from her at the table sliding her cup to her.

"So..." she prompts taking a small sip.

"This was a mistake" I say quietly.

"Do you mean that tonight was a mistake, or that we are a mistake" she says her voice quivering.

"I don't know... both" I say quietly, before realizing my stupidity.

"Are you breaking up with me?" she asks her eyebrows knitting together her eyes filling up.

"Oh Meredith, no." I interject quickly reaching for her hand across the table "I didn't mean that, I meant tonight was a mistake."

She however is not convinced, "It sure sounds like you are trying to tell me that we are a mistake" she says her voice turning angry as she pulls her hand from mine.

"Meredith, I wasn't trying to say that at all I swear" I try to re-assure her, but whether it is Meredith Grey's intoxicated state or her short fuse she is not having any of it.

"Maybe I should just go" She says her eyes glowering as she stands up from the table.

"Meredith please" I try to calm her but she has gone too far down the rabbit hole.

"You are the one implying that we are a mistake" she laughs but there is absolutely no humor in it.

"Meredith, I didn't mean to make it sound like that. Please don't go" I say standing up and taking a tentative step towards her.

She immediate takes a step back the anger and hurt still on her face, "You are not breaking up with me?" she asks.

"Meredith of course not, I could never leave you" I say reaching for her hand again.

"Okay" she nods her head up and down and doesn't remove her hand from mine.

"Let's just go to bed?" I suggest and she just shakes her head yes following me up the stairs our barely drank coffees still on the table.

We get to bedroom and we change into pj's and brush our teeth in total awkward silence. I go to get into bed and I expect her to do the same but instead she grabs her pillow and the extra blanket at the foot of the bed and begins heading out the door.

"Woah where are you going?" I ask confused.

"I am going to go sleep in one of the extra rooms" she says not looking at me.

"Meredith..." I say her name sadly, knowing that I hurt her feelings much more than she is letting on.

"I am not mad at you Derek, but you hurt my feelings." She looks at me with her sad green eyes "I can't sleep in the same bed as you right now"

I don't say anything I just look at her sadly as she leaves the room. I lay down my eyes cast up towards the ceiling as I go through the stupid words I said earlier. I didn't mean it, I really didn't. I don't think Meredith and I are a mistake in any way but now I am worried that she thinks that I really meant what I said. I fall into a restless sleep thinking about all the things I can do to prove to her that I didn't mean what I said.

I am awoken early in the morning by her soft lips against my cheek and her small body pressing against mine. I instinctively wrap my arms around her small frame and I hear her sigh loudly as she buries her face in my chest.

"I'm really sorry about last night" she mumbles and I can feel as her warm tears soak into my shirt.

"Hey" I say reaching for her face and tilting it so she is forced to look at me, "Don't be sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did" I softly comfort her brushing her tears from her cheeks.

"I just love you so much, I don't know what I would do if you ever left me" she looks at me with vulnerable eyes and it is easy to see that this is hard for her to say.

"I won't ever leave you, I love you so much Meredith" I promise and I can see the happiness slowly creeping back into her eyes.

She presses her lips softly against mine and I find myself wondering how I could ever even for just a second think that this was a mistake. The thought of us getting caught must have made me temporarily insane, because the idea of never feeling Meredith's lips against mine again is a truly terrible one. She pulls away from the kiss nestling into my arms. I stroke her soft blonde hair and am happy when I hear her light snores. I don't fall back asleep, instead I just continue to run my hands through her hair and trace patterns on her back. I am perfectly content with her in my arms and in this moment, I know that even our eventual exposure is not going to make me give up on being with Meredith Grey.

A/N: So do you think it was just Cristina or do you think someone else spotted them together?

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