Chapter 50: The Day They Got A Special Surprise

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"A grand adventure is about to begin." Unknown

After being in Turks and Caicos for ten days, James and Jenna finally went back to LA. They've been married for five weeks now and their marriage has been going very well. Everything is going just right, but there is one thing that confuses Jenna. For the past couple of weeks, she has started getting sick a lot. She never tells James, though, because she doesn't want him to worry. At first, she made the assumption that she was just getting a case of the flu, but she has started to wonder if it might be something else. She throws up almost every day, the scent of coffee disgusts her, and she feels tired all the time, not to mention that she missed her...monthly. That's why she asked Lacey to pick up a test for her.

Yep, she's suspecting that there's a little one on the way. She hopes that she's right because she and James both agree that they would like to have a baby in the family. How could she not be pregnant? The nausea, revolting smells, the fatigue...Aren't those all symptoms of pregnancy? She's excited to see what the result of the home pregnancy test is. James is at work and Lacey is sitting in the living room, while Jenna is sitting on the toilet in the master bathroom.

She rests her hand on her stomach, hoping that there's a baby in there. She might be carrying a human life, something that she was been thinking about a lot more since she and James got engaged. She's already James's wife and she's ready to to be the mother of his child. That's why she's got anxiety in her eyes as she waits for the test to be finished. Really, she has been having symptoms, so she's gonna be surprised if the test is negative. She almost wants to cry just thinking about the possibility of a negative pregnancy test. She wants to have a baby so badly.

Finally, the right amount of time passes. Jenna takes a deep breath as she grabs the pregnancy test, closing her eyes for a moment before checking the result. A smile slowly appears on her face and she squeals in excitement.


She throws the test in the trash and rushes out of the restroom.

"Lacey!" She says happily. "I'm pregnant!"

"The test was positive?" Lacey asks excitedly. Jenna nods and claps her hands, dragging her friend into a hug. She's gonna be a mommy! Of course, she should go to the doctor to confirm it, but she has a feeling that the test is probably right. She is so happy right now and she can't wait until James gets back from Rocque Records so she can give him the big news. He'll be as happy as she is. She just wants him to get home already! They're married and now they can look forward to the next step in their relationship, becoming parents.

"I am so excited for you." Lacey tells her. "Hey, I've gotta go, but I'll talk to you later. Okay? I wanna know what James says."

"Got it." Jenna laughs. Once Lacey has walked out the door, Jenna walks to the nursery. She smiles dreamily as she walks over to the crib, touching it with a gentle hand. Their child is gonna sleep in here. She can imagine sitting in a rocking chair, holding a newborn baby in her arms. As the child gets older, she can drive it to cool and attend soccer games and other school events. Okay, she's getting ahead of herself, but she's just so excited. She knows that she and James will be great parents.

She jumps in surprise when the front door opens. She smiles and eagerly leaves the nursery, entering the living room. She smiles when she sees James, running into his arms. She kisses him passionately, over and over again.

"Why are you so excited?" He laughs, pulling her into a hug.

"Because I'm kissing my baby's daddy." Jenna says with a cheerful smile. James looks confused for a moment, until he realizes what Jenna just said. He smiles and grabs her hands.

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