Chapter 6

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Luke and Lorelai went upstairs and changed into pajamas. They sat down on the edge of their bed but that's as far as they had gotten. Any feelings of fatigue had vanished once Logan made his presence known.

Grasping for words, Luke turned to Lorelai. "I can't believe he came here." He sounded incredulous. "What would possess him to jump on a plane and fly half way across the world to sit on our porch for hours?"

Lorelai spoke in a near whisper. "Rory. For Logan, it's always been Rory. He clearly couldn't quit her, just like she couldn't quit him."

"Do you think he is going to leave his fiancée for Rory?" Luke voiced the question that Lorelai had been wondering herself.

"I really don't know."


"We have to talk about Odette, Logan."

Logan closed his eyes and squeezed the bridge of his nose. "Can I have time to process everything? I learned less than twelve hours ago that I'm going to be a father." Logan wanted to have this talk and make the necessary decisions with a clear head. Surely Rory realized that.

Rory, however, was stunned. Was delaying this conversation his way of pushing off telling her he still planned to marry Odette? She crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh, okay. Later, I guess."

"Rory, no. Don't be like that."

"Be like what? You get me pregnant, I ask about your fiancée, and suddenly you don't want to talk about her. Asking about Odette is not unreasonable."


"Logan, I've been worrying almost constantly this last week, wondering if the father of my child will want to have a relationship with him or her. I'm sorry but you don't get to call the shots here. Whether you want to talk about Odette or not, that is a conversation we will have very soon." Rory had never felt so protective before. She believed she was beginning to understand why her own mother made the choices she had.

"I'm sorry, Rory. I just need a little time to figure everything out."

Rory jumped to her feet, arms falling to her sides. "You need to go. The Dragonfly has rooms available. Take my car, reserve a room, and get your phone replaced. I'll call you this afternoon." Rory spoke with such authority that left no room for argument.

Logan stood up and walked to the front door, letting himself out.

What did I just do?


The door just closed. Lorelai crossed to the bedroom window that overlooked the front yard and spied Logan climbing into Rory's car. She turned to face Luke. "Logan left. I need to see how Rory is."

They both made their way downstairs to find the expectant mother was still in her room.

"Everything okay?" Luke asked.

Rory's eyes were full of unshed tears. She looked down at her folded hands, a frown tugging on her lips. "I don't think Logan is going to leave Odette."

"What? Why?" Lorelai was beside Rory, stretching her arm around her daughter's back.

Rory filled Luke and her mom in on what had transpired with Logan. Despite how Rory had interpreted the conversation, Lorelai found herself jumping to Logan's defense. "You can't read into what he said, hon. Give him credit—he just found out about the pregnancy and dropped everything to come here. A little space to digest the news isn't too much to ask for."

Unsure why her mother was going to bat for Logan, Rory turned away. "I think I need to get a little more sleep to clear my head."

Luke offered a sad smile while he and Lorelai moved to the door. Lorelai hesitated, turning back to Rory. "Don't write him off yet, kid." With that, they quietly made their way back upstairs.

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