Chapter 85

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Emily threw clothes into a nearby suitcase, eager to get on her way to Hartford. Lorelai had called a little while before to relay the news that Rory was in labor. It wouldn't be long until Lora arrived, making her a great-grandmother.

Emily remembered when she first found out that Rory had taken a liking to Logan. She was so thrilled with the match, first because she happened to know Logan's family, but also because she knew Logan would one day reach his potential and rise to one of the heads of the Huntzberger Publishing Group, which would provide Rory with security.

On the flip side, the feelings Emily felt at the USO themed DAR event that Rory coordinated flooded her memory. After learning that Rory had been treated so poorly at the first dinner she went to at the Huntzberger's house, the righteous indignation Richard came charging out of the men's room with made her proud that the two had stood firm that Rory and Logan should be free to live their own lives. Because look at where it got the two of them.

For the first time, the thought of something that Richard was missing didn't weigh heavily on her heart. While she was sad that Lora would never meet her great-grandfather, Emily knew that Rory would make sure to tell her all she needed to know about him.

Maybe time was beginning to soften the blow of Richard's death.


Several hours passed with little progress. Rory was beginning to wonder if she would ever actually give birth.

Dr. Cameron entered the room, a sympathetic expression coloring her features. "How are we doing in here?"

Rory was frustrated which became evident in her retort. "I don't know about anyone who isn't in labor but I could use something to help get this baby out."

The snippy comment didn't faze the doctor who likely dealt with worse from laboring women daily. Instead, she moved closer and observed the output from the fetal monitor. She turned to the room's occupants to ask them to step into the hall to allow her to check Rory's progress in privacy. Logan stayed, continuing to rub Rory's back and shoulders.

Dr. Cameron went about her business, grinning as she told Rory that she was dilated to six. "There is still time left but you're more than halfway there now. Maybe get up and walk around the halls with Logan. That may help speed things up."

Willing to do anything, Rory nodded as Logan helped her to her feet. He placed his hand at the small of her back and walked slowly with her toward the door. The couple paused long enough to tell Luke and Lorelai what they were doing.

Rory moved slowly, stopping when a contraction wracked her body. They were near the end of the hall when Rory saw Emily emerge from the secured doors. Rory leaned her head on Logan's shoulder and breathed in deep, even breaths to hopefully get control of the pain.


Emily pushed passed the partially open door and into Rory's hospital room. Luke and Lorelai were sitting on a small vinyl loveseat, attempting to occupy themselves with magazines they had likely already read.

Lorelai looked up and greeted her mother. Luke mumbled something that wasn't clear but Emily didn't seem to care.

"How is she doing?"

Lorelai shrugged. "About as good as you'd expect. She's tired. She's hurting. She feels like the birth will never happen."

Smiling, Emily's eyes took on a soft look. "Just like my labor with you. You didn't want to come out. I remember walking around, bouncing, sitting up on the balls of my feet with my knees bent up, hoping it would force you out. But you didn't want to arrive unless it was on your terms. I labored the better part of a day."

Lorelai laughed. "I was a diva then and am still one now."

Luke laughed then tried to mask it by pretending to cough. "Boy, the air here in very dry."

Mirth danced in Emily's gaze. "Just wait Luke. Soon you'll be in Logan's place, only you'll have to wait while Lorelai delivers two babies."

"No, Mom, Luke will be in the waiting room, pacing and smoking, ready to pass out cigars once the nurse tells him the twins are here. He's old school."

Luke had to force a smile to cover up the momentary panic that became evident on his face. Emily knew he was trying very hard to be supportive of Lorelai and her pregnancy but she could still sense he was somewhat fearful of what to expect when she went into labor.

"Have you decided when you're going to begin your maternity leave?" Emily asked.

"I'm due August 19th so I figure the first of the month should be okay. I've been training my replacement so that if plans need to change, it's one less thing I need to worry about."

Emily turned to Luke. "Are you going to be home for the first couple of weeks to help establish a routine?"

Luke's head quickly turned to face Lorelai. "Uh, I don't know. We hadn't talked about it..."

"You mean to tell me that your wife is going to give birth to two babies and you're going to traipse back off to work and let her handle things alone?"

"Well, with all due respect Emily, Lorelai isn't due for two more months."

"Yes but twins usually arrive ahead of schedule. You can't count on that due date for much more than a mark of when the pregnancy would have hit forty weeks."

Lorelai held up her hand. "Mom, Luke is right; we haven't talked about it—"

"I don't care—"

"—because I was going to see if you'd plan an extended stay in Stars Hollow. It would give you time to bond with Gabby and Eli and would help give Luke and me breaks to get into the swing of having twins."

Emily thought for a moment before a smile broke out across her face. "I'd be honored to, Lorelai. I knew having a place in Stars Hollow would be a good thing."

"Yes, I agree. But you could always stay at our house, too, if you want."

Luke's eyes grew in size as Emily commented, "You wouldn't get sick of me?"

"Yeah, shouldn't we have nights alone with the babies?"

Lorelai leaned away from Luke. "Uh, yeah, sure, if you plan to not sleep. Ever. Mom would be able to help overnight too, if she's willing, so that you and I don't get too burned out."

"I wouldn't mind. Not one bit."

Lorelai smiled, happy that she was to the point that the thought of having her mother in the same house didn't suffocate her as it once had.

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