Chapter 20

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Odette was even more beautiful up close. Rory suddenly felt inferior but, for some reason, she desperately wanted to make a good impression. She moved her hand to meet Odette's, while saying, "Hello. It's nice to meet you."

"I know this is awkward, for you as much as me. But I wanted to meet you to not only have a name but also a face to the girl whom Logan loves."

Not sure what to say, Rory just smiled and looked at Logan for guidance.

At that moment, Kirk appeared with a video camera. He was recording...something. Rory couldn't be sure what he was focusing on. As Kirk slowly climbed the steps to the gazebo, he glanced over to see it was occupied. "I'm beginning work on my third short film. Go about your business; I won't bother you."

Logan and Rory both looked toward Odette, whose expression evidenced her complete unease with the newcomer in an already tense setting.

Hoping to restore calm to the situation, Logan suggested the three of them head over to his room at the Dragonfly Inn. It would eliminate stress from anyone else barging in on their conversation.

Rory was thankful for the suggestion. The Dragonfly was a second home to her so she would be more comfortable. Odette also appeared pleased. With that, the trio walked to Odette's rental car and climbed in. Rory provided her with directions to the inn. Once there, Logan and Odette headed up to the room while Rory ran back to the kitchen, hoping to find some snacks.

Ten minutes— and quite the sampler— later, Rory knocked on the door to room four. Logan answered and led Rory to the bed so she could set the food down and get comfortable. Odette had opted for the desk chair.

Logan looked between the girls. "So...."

Rory forced a smile, waiting.

Odette laughed lightly. "I know I'm not the only one who is second guessing this but like I said earlier, I wanted to meet the girl whom Logan loves. Tell me about yourself."

On the spot, Rory self-consciously touched her cheek. She gave a brief history of herself, answering questions Odette had. The more they talked, the more relaxed she felt. Against all odds, she found herself liking Odette, which only made this whole thing with Logan even harder.

In turn, Rory asked Odette about herself. She learned that Odette was thirty years old, also an only child. She went to a prestigious boarding school and college, earning a degree in history. Her family, while being French royalty, had created a large technology company that strived to create cutting edge breakthroughs and sell them to even bigger companies for a massive profit. Due to their net worth solely in terms of the business, Odette's father wanted to ensure his future son-in-law wouldn't be moving in for the financial gain. That was the extent of Odette's knowledge. She learned earlier, however, that it went further— Mitchum and her father conspired to get their children to marry.

For Odette, she was in the relationship for love. Speaking to Logan, she said, "Looking back, I don't know if I convinced myself that I loved you or if I really did. I suppose it could even have been a little of both. My father made it clear that he approved of you. He said over and over to me that you weren't looking for instant wealth, but had already been successful and would be worthy to marry me." Odette's voice had taken on a sad quality, one that tugged at Rory's heart strings. It made her wonder if this is what her own mother had felt, that her parents expected utter compliance with no exceptions. She vowed right then and there to allow her child to grow into the person he or she wanted to be, no urging or prompting from her.

The three talked for hours before they realized it was a nearly five in the morning. Being a gentleman, Logan offered to reserve a room for Odette so that she could get some sleep. She accepted so the two went down to do just that.

Rory slid under the covers, waiting for Logan to return. She began to doze off when she heard the door open and, moments later, felt Logan find his way behind her.

As she fell into a deep sleep, Rory thought of how sad she felt for Odette and how she wanted to do whatever she could to help fix that.

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