Chapter 90

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"Sisters?" April choked out the word.

"Yes, sisters." When April didn't respond, the woman commented once more. "My name is Jill. My birth mother is Anna Nardini."

Uninvited, April pulled out an empty chair and dropped herself into it, the need to sit down overwhelming. "I'm sorry, I'm going to need more."

Jill smiled softly. "I had a feeling it would come as a shock."

"To say the least, yeah."

"I'll start from the beginning. When I was born, my parents were both seventeen years old and they mutually decided to place me up for adoption. My adoptive parents gave me a wonderful life but when I was a senior in high school, I had a family history assignment that piqued my interest in trying to find my birth families."

April was still stuck on the news that she had an older sister. "My mother gave birth to you when she was seventeen and never mentioned it to me."

Sadness quickly passed in Jill's expression. "She must have had her reasons."

Indignation fired through April. How could Anna have kept this from her? The two had always been close. Or so she thought.

Jill continued. "When I was twelve, my parents gave me a letter that my birth mother had written to me the day I was born. She signed her name as 'Anna N.' so I had a little something to go on when searching for her. About a year ago, I broke down and hired a private investigator who recently found the needle in a haystack and linked me to Anna Nardini. Your Anna Nardini."

A thought took hold in April's mind. "How do you know she is your mother?"

"The investigator went to her shop and nosed around a bit, sidling up to Anna, trying to get on her good side. After a few minutes of friendly conversation, he bluntly asked if she had given up a child at seventeen. He said that Anna's face flushed and she ordered him out of the store without answering. Given his line of work, he is able to read people and her reaction screamed that he was right."

Leaning back in her seat, April remained quiet as she tried to process this. On one hand, she wasn't going to accept what she was being told at face value. On the other, her mother has always had a quick temper so the story about her ordering the investigator from her shop seemed plausible.

Jill cleared her throat, hoping to pull April from her troubling thoughts. "If you'd like, I can give you my cell phone number. You can take time to work through this and maybe even talk to Anna. If you want to reach out to me, you'll have my number. I won't come around again, though, if that's what you choose."

Looking up, April realized that this whole situation wasn't exactly pleasant for the girl sitting across the table either. Someone had willingly placed her up for adoption at birth and, like anyone would be, she was curious about her origins.

Suddenly needing to put space between her and Jill, April abruptly stood. "I need some time to process this. Can we meet here tomorrow evening around six o'clock?" Even as she extended the offer, April wasn't sure she would be there.

Jill smiled. "Yes," was all she said.

Turning around, April fled as fast as her legs would carry her.


Rory stood in her hospital room, packing up the few belongings Logan had brought for her. Lora lay in the clear bassinet at the foot of her bed, sleeping soundly. As much as she was eager to be home, a little part of her was nervous to be alone with the baby. Well, as alone as one can be in the town of Stars Hollow.

That thought made her softly laugh. She knew deep down that she had nothing to worry about. Between Lorelai and Emily, her transition into motherhood would be easy.

At least she hoped so.

"Knock, knock." Lorelai entered the room, her eyes immediately falling on the baby. "She's asleep again? Geez, is sleeping all Lora does? When will she ever be awake long enough for me to corrupt her?"

Rory laughed aloud. "You'll have plenty of time for that, Mom."

Tapping her fingertips together while emitting what was supposed to be an evil laugh, Lorelai's face was full of mischief. "Yes. Yes, I will."

Logan entered the room, stopped briefly to kiss Rory, then grabbed the bag to take it to the car. Rory shifted her gaze to the baby once more. "Well, Lora, you're not going to be too happy with me because I need to get you in your car seat."

Moving toward the bassinet, a smile spread across the new mother's face. She observed the beauty who was her daughter for several moments before gently reaching in to pick Lora up. Lorelai had placed the car seat on the hospital bed and pulled the straps to the sides to make the transition smoother.

Lora was fine while in Rory's arms but once she was placed in the uncomfortable car seat, the newborn began to wail. Rory touched Lora's cheek with her hand in an attempt to soothe her and, for a few brief seconds, it worked. As soon as her hand was removed, the cries began again.

"As much as that sound will pierce your heart, she is okay. She just wants to be back in her momma's arms."

Logan walked in just then and, hearing Lora's screams, quickly approached the car seat. "What is wrong with her?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

Lorelai chuckled. "She doesn't like the car seat. It's common. She'd rather be held but she'll be just fine. More than likely, she'll fall asleep on the way home. Lord knows that's all she does anyway."

Logan looked at Rory, unsure of whether to take Lorelai at her word or scoop the baby up to comfort her. Finally, at Rory's silent urging, he decided that Lorelai likely knew what she was talking about so he left Lora in the seat. Rory certainly hoped that she would calm down once they started the trek home.

Taking one last look around the hospital room, Rory turned to the door and nodded her head. "I think we're ready."

Logan leaned in to kiss her. "Let's get our daughter home."

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