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Emma's POV

Jake and I quickly raced upstairs and burst through the door.

"We know what you're doing Dante!"  Jake shouted. We looked around and the room was empty.

"Awkward." I coughed.

"Where did they go?" Jake asked. We turned around to exit the room when we ran into Miss Peregrine.

"Miss Peregrine, where did Dante and Juliet go?" I asked.

"Why, they, Miss Avocet, and the little ones left already." She said.

"What? We need to go." Jake said. We tried running down the stairs, but Miss Peregrine stopped us.

"You will do no such thing if not accompanied by an adult." She said sternly.

"An adult would be age 18, correct?" Jake asked.

"Precisely." She nodded.

"Then Enoch would be able to escort us," I said slowly.

"That would be right..." Miss P thought over.

"Okay then," I said, running to Enoch's room.

"You must all be back an hour before reset." She said.

"Enoch!" Jake and I called, knocking on his door.

"What do you want." He yelled from the other side.

"We need to go to Miss Avocet's loop," I explained.

"Why should we? I'm sure Juliet would want her privacy with Dante." He spat.

"You don't understand. Juliet is mind controlled by Dante." Jake said.

"Like I believe that." He chuckled dryly.

"Enoch, *inveighing will bring us nowhere." I sighed.

"You are like Juliet 2.0," Jake said.

"So you're calling me smart?" I smirked.

"I'd call you smart if you can find a way to get Enoch out of his room." I nodded and stepped back.

I blew a huge gust of wind, knocking down the door.

"Blimey! What was that for." Enoch growled. I ignored him and pulled him on his feet, dragging him out the door.

"We'll explain on the way," Jake said.


"So you expect me to believe Juliet is brainwashed by Dante, and he is controlling her?" He asked weirdly.

"Yes." Jake and I said at the same time. We finally reached the street and I knocked aggressively on the door. No one answered.

"Try the back door," Jake said. We snuck around the back and looked through the window.

I gasped when I saw Miss Avocet, Kaitlyn, and Travis tied up in the middle of the room and Juliet was standing emotionless to the side.

What's worse is I saw Dante standing in front of them. With Barren.

Inveigh: in·veigh



speak or write about (something) with great hostility.

My test is this Saturday😭😭😭

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