Bonus Chapter ~ Babysitters

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Juliet's POV

"I'll only be gone the day." Miss Peregrine assured, as she walked out of the house with Jake, Emma, Enoch, and Olive. Miss Peregrine was visiting a friend, and Jake, Emma, Enoch, and Olive wanted to see her too.

So I was stuck here with Dante and Hamilton. Great.

"Dante! Hamilton!" I yelled. The kids were all gathered in the living room, talking and playing. That's when I realized the boys were still sleeping.

I groaned and ran to their room, that they shared. I stood in the middle of the room, wondering how to wake them up.

That's when I came up with something. I ran downstairs again and got the kids' attention.

"Can you guys help me with something?" I asked.

"Sure." Horace nodded.


"Now!" On that signal, the kids jumped on Hamilton and Dante's beds, screaming, while Horace helped fill the room with bright light.

"Gah!" The guys yelped, and I clutched my stomach from laughing too hard.

"Thanks, guys." I dismissed and they al ran out of the room, me still laughing.

"You could've just waken us up like a civilized person." Dante groaned.

"Why would I do that?" I asked.

"Is breakfast downstairs?" Was all Hamilton asked.

"Uh... She Emma, Jake, Enoch, and Olive left." I reminded them.

"Was that today?" Dante asked, some what freaking out.

"Yeah..." I nodded slowly.

"So no breakfast?" Hamilton groaned.

"Make it yourself. We already ate." I laughed.

"Meanie." Dante groaned and got up, followed by Hamilton.

"By the way, we're on babysitting duty." I giggled.

"That shouldn't be hard." Dante shrugged.

Boy was he wrong...

We walked downstairs and I instantly regretted letting them come down without supervision. The whole place was a wreck!

Kaitlyn and Travis were climbing the curtains, Bronwyn was lifting the tables with the twins sitting on it, Clair and Fiona were jumping on the couch, Hugh and Horace were playing with fire, and Millard was no where to be seen...



"Harry Styles." I finished.

"I take it back. This seems pretty hard." 

"Guys?!" Hamilton made a weak attempt at getting their attention.

"Guys!" I yelled. For a second, the kids stopped what they were doing.

"Drop wat you're doing, and come here." I said cautiously. 




Brownwyn dropped the table, causing the twins to fall of, and the table broke, CLaire and FIona fell off of the couch, and fell, Travis and Kaitlyn fell out of the curtains, and Hugh and Horace dropped the sticks they were using to poke the fire, causing the carpet to start burning.

"Ahh!" I quickly ran to the fire and started stepping on it. THe kids were yelling and running around like headless chickens, which made the scenario worse.

"Kids, stop!" Dante squinted his eyes and used his mind control to calm the kids.

I stopped to watch them, but when I looked down, my shoe was on fire!"

"Put it out!"I screeched, jumping up and down.

"Uh." Hamilton grabbed a vase from the mantel and pouted it on my foot.

Unfortunately, no one's watered the plants in a while, so there was very little water. Not even enough to get my sock wet. That only made the poor roses catch on fire.

"Uh, I'll go to the kitchen." And Hamilton ran to the kitchen. I looked to the side and saw a glass of water on the table, and quickly dumped it on my foot.

I sighed at the releving pain.

"I'm... back..." Hamilton came back with a cup of water.

All of a sudden the kids resumed screaming, but calmed when they saw the fire was out.

"We need to fix this before Miss Peregrine get's back." Dante said.

The kids nodded and scrambled around to clean up.

"Wai. Where's Millard?" I looked around.

Claire snickered and pointed up.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked up. I saw the chandelier rocking back and forth. My mouth dropped when I realized what was happening.

"Millard! Get down!" I yelled.

"I can't... I'm stuck." I groaned at his words.

All of a sudden I heard a cracking noice, and realized the ceiling was cracking. At the chandelier.

"Uh, Dante! Catch Millard!" I called him. He ran under the chandelier and held his arms out.

"OKay, Millard, you need to jump." I encouraged him.

"Uh, okay." It was pretty hard to see Millard, because he had no clothes...

"Now!" THe sound of the chandelier clinking rang loudly, and Dante was running around, changing his position so he could catch Millard.


Dante fell flat on his face. I assumed Millard fell on his back.

"Got him?" Dante groaned in pain.

"We fixed the table!" HOrace ran into the room and slowed when he saw Dante on the ground.

"Great. Let's go." I helped Dante and Millard off the ground.


Many painful hours later...

The living room looked untouched, and everything was back to normal. Except for the fact I had to bandage a small burn on my foot

The sound of the door opening made the kids scramble onto the couch.

"We're back!" Miss Peregrine, Enoch, Emma, Olive, and Jake walked in.

"I hope the kids weren't too much trouble." Miss Peregrine smiled when he sa us.

"Not at all. Absolute angels..." I chuckled nervously.

"Wonderful. I'm going upstairs to freshen up." Emma said. Olive, Enoch, and Jake followed suit.

"Thank goodness." Dante sighed in relief.

"Children, where are my roses? I was supposed to take care of them for a friend. They're a rare type, not needing much water, and used for healing. Have you seen them?"

My eyes widened.




I hope u enjoyed ;)


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