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Juliet's POV

I went downstairs in the meantime, while waiting for Miss Peregrine.

"Jules." I heard someone say my name. I turned around and saw Dante.

"Oh hey, Dante." I smiled.

"So I heard about Enoch..." He trailed off.

"Yeah. I'm really worried." I sighed.

"There's something I need to tell you. I'm going to tell Miss Peregrine later." He said quietly/

"What is it? You're worrying me." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I know what happened to Enoch."

"Yeah. He was turned into a ba—" I got cut off.

"I mean, I know who did it."

"What?" My eyes widened.

"For a few years, I worked for Mister Barren, I worked with the other wights. There was one wight, Mr. Clouse, had a peculiarity which was to control age." He explained.

"So you think he did it?" I asked.

"Yes. That would explain the broken window in Enoch's room."

"How do we reverse it?" I asked.

"I heard Barren say the only way to reverse it, without the host doing it, is killing Mr. Clouse." He said.

"But, we don't know where he is." I said.

"I do. They're in  Blackpool. I heard Barren say that." He said.

"Why there?" I asked.

"Barren and the others talk about some machine."

"A machine? For what?"

"Years ago, Barren and the others had a machine to try to make themselves immortal. They kidnapped an ymbry, connected it to the machine, and did this crazy stuff. Barren and the other people turned into hollows, but some of them turned into the wights." He explained.

"What does that have to do with Blackpool?"

"Their doing the experiment again. So we have to stop them before they do it." He sighed.

"Then I guess we're going to Blackpool."

Srry it was short..

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