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We were too busy helping Dante, we weren't paying attention, so we almost ran into someone.

"Oh my Harry Styles, I'm so— no way."


"E—Enoch?" I could barely speak. A large smile grew across his face. Emma quickly took my spot next to Dante and I ran to Enoch, engulfing him in a large hug.

"I thought I would never see you again." I cried in a whisper.

"I don't remember anything that happened, but couldn't Baer to have you so far away." He said I that Scottish accent I missed so much.

He pulled back and attached his lips to mine. I kissed back, forgetting everything.

"I'm sorry to ruin the moment, but we have to help Dante." Emma said awkwardly.

"Dante! Right!" We quickly made our way to the hospital across the street.

Enoch replaced Emma and we ran into the hospital.

"We need help." Jake called. Right away, two doctors rushed out with a gurney and Jake and Enoch set Dante on it.

"Is he going to be alright?" Enoch asked the girl at the front desk. I stood next to him.

"I'm not sure. But judging by the size of the wound, he would most likely need stitches." She said, a tiny of pink growing on her cheeks. She was staring at him for quite a while. I looked at her name tag: Ivy.

"Do you need help with anything?" She looked at me. I sneered at her clear hatred towards me.

"I'm okay." I faked a smile and dragged Enoch to the waiting room.

"What was that?" He chuckled amusingly.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

"Are you jealous?" He laughed.

"No." I pouted.

"Well," he kissed my cheek." You will always be mine." Those words made me smile.

"Its just, I know you don't know you don't know what happened, but what happen made me worry, and I realized..." I trailed off.

"You realized what?" He asked.

"I can't live without you." I whispered.

"Jules, I—" I got cut off.

"Friends of Dante Boselli?" A nurse walked out. Enoch and I both stood up, and hand-in-hand walked to Dante's room with Emma and Jake.

"Dante?" I called quietly.

"Hey." I heard him say quietly.

"How are you doing?" Emma asked.

"Honestly, I feel like crāp." He chuckled.

"Good to see you, buddy." Enoch nodded.

"You too. Your little girlfriend can really kick butt. You know?" Dante chuckled.

"She's a fighter." Enoch agreed and kissed my head.

"We should get the others. They would want to see you." Emma said. Dante nodded and Emma and Jake walked out, holding hands.

"Enoch, do you remember anything?" Dante asked.

"Nothing. I woke up on the couch, and no one was there. Miss Peregrine said you were in Blackpool, so I had a friend who have friend who can super speed, so he helped me get here." He explained.

I realized who he was talking about.

"Yeah, that friend of yours is a real thrill." I said sarcastically.

"Oh yeah. Jules was terrified on the flight here." Dante chuckled.

"Hello, in Dr. Aaron. I'm afraid it's time for Mr. Boselli' stitches." He tsked. "I'll have my assistant Jess here. A lady with tanned skin and black hair walked in.

"Good luck, Dante." I smiled and walked it with Enoch.

When we got out of the door, Enoch planted a kiss on my lips.

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