Chapter 25.

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"Then go and make love to this then." I heard her words, she faked a little anger but the blush on her face revealing everything..

Make love......

I don't make love.

I never did.

Its just not my thing.

I know I used to fuck around, and for the freaking hell sake, I was a womanizer.

Make love?

Will I ever be doing it?

Then a little part in my head voiced my question.

Sanyukta is girl who is full of love, and here  you are the one who I never made for love. She deserve love and only love.

A question pop in my mind and I try my best to ignore it.

Do I even deserve her?

It took me some moments to process her words in my head.. But in the mean time I won the battle in my mind to ignore this question,   I saw her running out of the doors, rubbing with my body unintentionally in a illegal way..

The weird sensations run through my body...

This woman is going to be the death of me....

I took a sharp intake of breath.....and sigh hard.....

Then I shuffle with the seat belt and run to follow her towards the mall.

As she is about to reach the entrance, I slip my arm around her small waist, startling her, but when she turn around a little to know its me, she got visibly relax.

Do I really deserve her?

we made our way inside the mall together..

My hands around her.. Like a lovey-dovey couple......she smiling adorably. My heart blooms with happiness on seeing her smile.

This is so new to me. I never felt like this with anyone before.

all the staff members greeted us. Then the manager spot us and make his way toward us.

Sanyukta POV

"Good morning. Mr. And Mrs. Shekhawat." Chipped a person, which I assume to Be the manager,..forwarding his hand toward Randhir and after a firm handshake with him, he did a light handshake with me.

"How the progress is going. Mr. blin." Said Randhir in his totally professional tone.

I never heard him sounding like this. I mean,its so cold. The aura he created around just by his tone. It thickened the air suddenly. I don't want to be at the receiver end when he talked like this. Thank god, I'm not his employee...

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