Chapter 12

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"He has a little game that he plays
Clever little ways and a hot boy style
Brags about the dough that he makes
Flash a little cash most girls wild out
Lately he's been checking for me
Telling me how much he wants to be
Wants to be the one to replace
Replace the man that waits at home for me
But oh no I can't let you
Get the best of me
Even though deep inside
Something's dying to see "

Best of Me - Mya


I stood in front of my bedroom mirror looking at my outfit, trying to decide if I should put on shorts or not. My phone began to ring, making me realize it was almost 8 o'clock.

"Hello" I answered knowing it was Lisa.

"So did you decide on something to wear" she asked, knowing that she had an ear to ear smile on her face.

"Yes mam" I sighed.

"You don't sound happy?" she asked puzzled.

"I have no clue where we going so I don't know if I dressed for the occasion"

"You're fine I'm sure, whatever he has planned, I'm sure you're dressed for it" Lisa laughed.

"Yeah ..."

"Are you nervous ?"

"I mean yes and no. Yes, because I haven't been on a date in ages and no because we've hung out before. So I don't know what to expect."

"You too cute sometimes" Lisa laughed again.

"Girl shut up" I laughed along with her.

"Oh girl, let me go he's calling me" I looked at my phone.

"Okay, remember have fun and loosen up" Lisa suggested.

"I'll try" I laughed.

I clicked over to Dave who was still calling.

"Hey" I answered.

"Whats up sweetheart ?"

"Nothing much, finishing up"

"Well I'mma be pulling up in like 5"

"Okay, I'll be ready by then"

"Better be, don't have me out here till next year" Dave joked.

"You'll be okay" I hung up.


I pulled up to Janae's house in exactly five minutes and shot her a text and prepared myself for a 15 minute wait. I turned the engine off and put the music on.

I looked at the house I stood in front of, it was nice. Definitely a flower lover family by the bushes of roses that adorn the house. I realize that only two cars sat in the driveway, made me think were one of them Janae's. As I stared at the whips a little longer, I saw the door swing open but no one stood at the frame. Then suddenly Janae stood at the entrance and looked over her shoulder back into the house. Probably telling her folks she was leaving. I couldn't help but stare at her legs that looked super long tonight. She sported a t-shirt for a dress ? I thought to myself. I grabbed the flowers I had bought her and hopped out the car.

I met her at her gate and she jumped, surprised to me.

"What are you doing?" she smirked.

"Meeting you at your door, well gate" I rubbed the back of my neck.

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