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Note: The names of people, places and things I have included in the story are taken from Norse Mythology.

This story is not about retelling the whole Norse Mythology, it is a mythic fiction.

ASGARD- dwelling place of the gods.

AESIR- male gods in Asgard, battle gods, tribe of war gods.

ASYNJUR- female goddesses in Asgard.

BALDER- the god of joy.

BIFRÖST- a rainbow bridge that leads to Asgard. It is guarded by Heimdall.

DRAUPNIR- magical ring, every ninth day, nine new rings would drop out of Draupnir.

FREYA- the goddess of love and beauty, but also the goddess of war.

FREYR- twin brother of Freya, god of rain, earth and fertility.

FRIGGA- the secretive wife of Odin.

GARM- the fiercest of all hounds, who guards the gates of Hel.

GERDA- the wife of Freyr.

GIALLAR- resounding horn of Heimdall. He blows it whenever someone is crossing the bridge to inform the gods that there are intruders. At the day of Ragnarok, he will blow the last melody from the horn as a symbol of the final battle.

GULLINBURSTI- 'golden-bristled', the boar of Freyr who pulls his chariot.

GUNGNIR- magical spear that will always hit its mark and always kills.

HEIMDALL- god of light, the warder of Bifröst, he was known in Norse Myths as the god with whitest skin and possessing keen eyes and accurate hearing abilities.

HEL- goddess who rules underworld, the goddess of death.

HELHEST- the three-legged horse of Hel.

HOFUND- the golden sword of Heimdall.

JOTUN- giants, dwellers of Jotunheim.

JÖTUNHEIM- kingdom of the giants, the main enemies of the Aesir. This kingdom is ruled by Utgard-Loki.

LOKI- a trickster, god of fire and chaos. He is the main enemy of Heimdall. At the day of Ragnarok, they will slay each other.

MIDGARD SERPENT-  a huge serpent that wraps its body around the earth, an alias of Jormungand.

MJÖLLNIR- the primary weapon of Thor.

NIFLHEIM- also called as 'The World of Fog', underworld or place where the souls of the dead goes after they died. This realm is ruled by Hel.

NJORD- god of wind and waves, father of Freyr and Freya.

NORNS- (pronounced as NORMS) three goddesses of fate.

*URDA- goddess of the past
*VERDANDI- goddess of the present
*SKULD- goddess of the future

ODIN- chief god in Asgard.

RAGNAROK- also known as 'The Twilight of the Gods', the doom's day when the world and the gods will die.

RIG- Norse population god.

RUNES- ancient writings from Scandinavia. Use for magics and rituals.

SKIDBLADNIR- the huge foldable chariot of Freyr.

SURT- a fire giant who will lead the giants against the Aesir and Vanir gods at the day of Ragnarok.

THOR- the god of thunder and lightning, also known as the weather god and the bearer of the Mjöllnir.

UTGARD-LOKI- ruler of the Jötunheim.

VALHALLA- a hall in Asgard for heroes that are slained in battles.

VALKYRIES- attendants of Odin. They brings the souls of slained heroes in Valhalla.

VANIR- gods of earth and fertility.

YGGDRASIL- a giant ash tree in the middle of the world that supports the different worlds in its roots.

THE FALL OF ASGARD (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora