Chapter 2-Waking

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  • Dedicated to Chandler Riggs

Carls POV

Molly has been passed out for months now. If she was dead see would've turned to a walker by now. I'm just hoping she wakes up. Our whole group has been traveling for weeks now. We need to find a safe place. Somewhere we can chill for a few days without a accident. We had already lost a few people that I was really sad about. Jacqui, Sophia, Shane, Dale, my mom.  I heard sudden moaning coming for her. I pulled out my gun and she woke up as herself.

"Carl?" She was coughing because of the dirty fumes in the air.

"Yes, it's me Molly."

"WOW, You've aged since I've been asleep." She looked at my long locks of hair and ran her fingers through them, "How long has it been?"

I gulped and said, "A year or so."

She had a strange look on her face.

"I MISSED MY 14th BIRTHDAY." She started to scream and I put my hand over her soft lips.

"HEY, she's awake." I saw Glenn look back from the car window.

I looked back and I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. SHE HAD SLAPPED ME!

"What the hell Molly?!?"

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