Chapter 51- Kidnapping

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Carls POV

I wake up in a darken room. I've never been to this part of the prison, if this was the prison. I'm strapped to a chair, my legs and arms aching from the cuffs on my hands. I look around to find something, a knife or gun anything really.

"I see you have awoken."

I look up to see the son of a bitch himself, Arthur.

"Can you help me out of this please? Molly is probably worrying about me."

He laughed and choked on the air and came closer to me, putting a hand on my chin.

"I brought you in here to teach YOU a lesson." He lifted my chin up higher and sucked his nasty lips on my lower lip.

I flaled my arms and legs around, nothing worked. He was gonna torture me.

"You like that huh?"

He took the cuffs off my legs and I kicked him right where the sun dont shine. He fell over and got right back up.

"No, I dont thank you very much."

"You chose the wrong guy to mess with buddy boy."

He began to pull off my boots, then my pants. He didn't dare to take off my boxers. He walked off for a moment and came back with some duct tape. He wrapped it around my mouth so I couldn't talk, he avoided my nose, he wanted me to feel everything.

He sat on me, his fat falling onto my legs. He pulled off his pants and began to sit on me.

I tried to scream but all that came out was "MMMMM".

Someone please help me. Arthur had something in mind, I knew what it was too. He was gonna rape me.

Mollys POV

My mouth dropped in fear when Rick said he hadn't seen him. I ran, carrying my legs as fast as I could. I probably ran around the whole prison. I couldn't find him.  I even ran into a dark hallway I had never been in. I heard some laughing and some little yelling. I found a doorway that had blood streaks running through the door. WHAT DA FUCK?

I put my ear to the door and listened in, I had my right hand on my gun.

I heard a familiar voice.

"You want more Carl? huh?"


Carl must be in there, but what was going on? I grabbed my gun out of the holster and opened the door slowly. The door blew my cover by making a "CRECK" noise. I slowly looked in horrified.

Arthur was on top of Carl. Carl was strapped to a chair with duct tape over his mouth. Both were pantless.

My mouth dropped.

"Arthur what is going on?" My voice was shaky.

He turned around slowly, showing his severely beaten up face. 

"Nothing huney. Just leave and erase all this now." He grabbed something from his belt loop.

He held a knife to Carl's throat and I gulped. Carls stomach was rapidly breathing in and out.

I mouthed the words: Its gonna be alright.

He nodded and looked back at Arthur.

"Arthur please put the knife down." 

He threw the knife to the ground. My gun was up to my beating chest. I lowered it when he pulled out a gun. I walked slowly to him.

"Arthur its gonna be alright. Okay? Just put down the gun." He put the gun to Carl's forehead.

"Come any closer and I'll shoot."

I stopped holding my gun closer to me. I put my middle finger to the trigger. Arthur pulled the safety off and loaded. He looked at Carl. It was my chance. I pulled the trigger and shot his rib cage. I shot over and over till my bullets ran out. They all missed his brain. He tried to stand but failed and fell to the ground.

"Molly? I'm sorry."

"Nuff' bullshit." I took his gun from the ground and pointed it to his head. I pulled the trigger and his body went numb.

"Bitch." I spat at his lifeless helpless body.

I looked over at Carl. His face was pale and a few scratches across his neck. A bruise on his left calf. I ran over to him and pulled off the duct tape as fast as I could so it wouldn't hurt.

"Molly." I pulled him in for a kiss but he didn't seem like he wanted it.

I looked at his helpless innocent little body. I uncuffed his hands, bloody, blistered. I let him stand. He limped alittle. I let him lean on my shoulder.

"Can I have my pants?"

I laughed and handed him them. He stood on his own for a few seconds. His pants were bloodstained and dirty. I looked over at Arthur. The fatass son of a bitch.

"What did he do to you?"

I looked into his blue galatic eyes.

"He was gonna rape me but you saved me." He buttoned his pants and Rick came running.

"CARL! What the hell happened?" He covered his mouth when he saw Arthur.

"Dad, Arthur was a bad kid. He kidnapped me when I came to Hershel and almost raped me. NEVER trust anyone up against the fence." He wiped the beads of sweat off his face.

"Who killed him?"

"I did. That son of a bitch needed it."

"Thats what the gunshots were?"


"I'm glad you did the right thing." 

Rick came in and hugged me.

Carl looked at me.

I told him everything was gonna be alright, and it was.

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