Chapter 54- Birth

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Carls POV



"My water just broke."

I was in a diffrent world. I heard moans, screams, and yelling.


I walked over to her and picked her up bridal style, walking into the cell. Hershel, Maggie, and Beth came in.

"Molly's water broke."

Her eyes began to tear up.

"I'll go get some towels." Beth walked off.

"Gotta take off your pants Molly." Maggie helped her, she was in another world. Her eyes getting wide then small over and over.

I didn't stare at all, I kept my eyes focused on her face, beading with sweat.

"Pull your legs up hun."

Her legs shifted around a few times.

Her eyes began to flutter.

"Molly, keep your eyes on me." Her eyes opened and I pulled the hair out of her face.

 Beth came in with a few towels and sat next to Maggie. Hershel moved over to me and dealt with everything.

"Your gonna have to try to push Molly."

Molly pushed and grunted, her face beat red. 

"OWWW!" Sweat rolled down her face.

"I can see it's head come on Molly, just 3 more pushes."

She grunted again and she jolted.


"Carl, baby. I'm not gonna make it. It's alright. You will get through this. I promise. Your gonna beat this world. You will win it for me. I love you so much. Your handsome, brave, awesome, and most of all your my favorite. Your my best friend, you treated me like a sister. I will miss you so much Carl. Grimes, take care of Judith and Boo for me.  I love you." She grabbed my face.

I felt stinging tears burn my cheeks.

"No, you will live. No, you can't. I NEED YOU. PLEASE NO." 

She pushed one last time and I heard a cry. Molly's breathes were fast but then they slowed down. Her eyes looked up at me. I bent down and gave her a huge kiss and one last hug.

"I love you Grimes." Then, her expression went blank.

"Molly?" I shook her, fresh tears still rolling down my face.

"MOLLY? NO. WAKE UP! PLEASE NO! PLEASE! NO! MOLLY!" I broke down infront of everyone. 

I finally stood up and saw it. Blood was seaping everywhere. She lost alot. I looked over at Beth, Maggie, and Hershel. They all had tears in their eyes.


Hershel looked over at me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Son, she's gone."

I heard boot clicks coming from the hall. I saw Rick emerge from the entrance.

"Oh my god. Carl!" He ran over to me. I hugged him. Holding him.

"Dad, she she. No. I never got to say goodbye. THIS IS UNFAIR NO! DAD! WE GOTTA SAVE HER!"

My dad let out.

"Carl, shes gone. There's nothing we can do." I felt a kick in my stomach and fell to the ground, barely breathing.

"Dad. What wh are we gon gonna do?" I was shaking so hard. I felt tears pour down my aching neck. 

I heard the baby crying. Maggie was holding it and tears rolled down her face.

"It's a girl."

"Her name will be Boo." I heard Beth say.

I walked out, not even wanting to see this. 

Hershel's POV

I grabbed a white sheet and wrapped Molly's souless body into it. Maggie brought in a stretcher. We had to hurry. Carl and Rick were gonna take her out to the woods and take care of it.

The walkers had been taken care of. Thanks to our friends and their ways. Carl grabbed the stretcher and Glenn and Rick opened the gates. There went Molly. Goodnight ol' friend.

Carls POV

I pulled the stretcher out deep into the woods, we had to hurry. She wasn't gonna turn into a walker on my watch. Rick picked her up and sat her leaning against a tree. She looked tortured. Her pants covered in blood, her face flushed. I fingered my gun feeling tears stinging down my eyes.

"I can do it son." 

"NO. She would've wanted me to do it."

I pull my gun out pointing it towards her head.

"Molly,  I will miss you. I miss you already. We had so many memories together. We loved we hated. We were happy together even in a hell hole world. I loved you. I will love you all my life, until the day I die, I won't stop loving you. I hope you are having a fun time up in heaven with my mom. I hope you get to meet her and have fun with her. I love you Molly Anderson. Goodbye old friend." 

I put my middle finger on the trigger and pulled it, leaving a bullet hole through her head. Her body became lifeless, untorn, used. I had to end it. I killed my love. I saw something edging out her pocket, it was the picture Glenn took of us. I let her keep it. So, she would remember me in heaven.

I now believe in heaven, because my love is there. Forever in my heart.

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