Chapter 16-Letting Go

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Carls POV

"CARLL!" I heard Molly scream at the top of her lungs.


"Daryl isnt breathing."

"HERSHEL!" She was yelling frantically.

"Its gonna be okay." I grabbed her shoulder and she turned and wimpered in my chest.

"I heard my name."

"Daryl isnt breathing!"

"Why didnt you say so?"

Molly was pushing on his chest and Hershel took it from there.

He was pushing his chest and breathing into his mouth. Then, Daryl got up. I pulled out my gun, Molly now balling in my chest. I didnt even know why. She hated him.

"Can you stop kissin me?" Daryl wiped his mouth and got up, Molly ran in for a hug. Daryl sort of pushed away but then pulled her in.

"How are you?"

"Im doin good i guess. I just wasnt breathin but im fine. How's your ear?" He pulled Mollys ear and looked at the cut under the bandage.

He had a great fucking nerve to bring that up. HE FUCKING DID THAT TO HER. I just kept it to myself cause I didnt want more fighting.

Molly walked away and ran out the exit. I waited a while just sitting there. Then, i went out to see Molly lying in the dewy grass.

"May i join you?"

"Of course."

Mollys POV

Carl layed down next to me and looked up at the sky.

"Oh that cloud looks like a car." Carl pointed to a cloud that did look like a car but i didnt respond.

"Carl, is there anyhing you really miss about the world? Like something you want but is impossible to find nowadays?"

He looked puzzled at the question and thought for a few minutes.

"I miss alot of things. Too many to remember. But the top things are pizza, movies, video games, and my mom."

I sighed at his answer including his mom and reached for his hand. He grabbed it before i even wanted it.

"Carl. You didnt have to answer that if you didnt want to. I know you miss your mom. I miss my parents and my brother. But there is no time for moarning. There is only time for killing walkers and trying to live a hassal free life. I know its hard but we'll get through it. Dont worry. I got you on this."

I gave him a smile and he gave me a little half smile. I giggled at him, he knew i loved his half smiles even though they were so silly.

I got up letting go of his hand and walked up to Tyreese who was talking to Rick.

"Whats up Ty?"

"Nothin much hun. Just got back from a run. Here's some stuff for you and Carl. Thought you guys would need it."


I turned around to see Carl, scaring the shit out of me.

"Geez! You trying to give me a heart attack?"

I walked back to me and Carl's cell and we looked through the bags.

There was tons of teen stuff.




Stuffed animals (for judith)

Blankets that had superheros on them



Geez, I think Tyreese is my new favorite person.

Carl looked in amazement. He started to look at all the comics while i cuddled up in a "Captain America" blanket next to him.

"Geez. 2 nerds in amazement over blankets and comics."

We laughed together and i put my head on his shoulder.

"Your funny." He said softly and put his nose to mine.

"CARL, MOLLY. WE GOT A VISITOR." Rick scared us.

I put the blanket on my bed and caught up with Carl. I wasnt what i thought it was.

Carl Grimes: The Boy Who Made Sparks FlyWhere stories live. Discover now