Chapter 21-Sparks began to fly

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Mollys POV

"Im Gay."

I heard Arthur say.

"Arthur, that's wonderful!"

"What really? Usaully people beat the shit out of me."

"It's perfectly fine. As long as you keep your hands off of my Carl."

He laughed.

"I will. Maybe I'll find someone."

He walked off looking glum and I saw Carl walking up behind me from the corner of my eye.

"Hey baby." He wrapped his arms around me.

It felt weird cause of my crutches but I couldnt complain.

I turned alittle and saw his head on my shoulder.

He kissed my neck and I felt tingling in my chin.

He let go and Glenn ran in.

"Hey guys. You wanna go on a run tommorow?"

"Sure. Molly doesnt need her crutches tommorow. Its been a few days."

"Ok. Ill come wake you up. So, dont go to bed late!"

"ok, your not my mom." I said. I never had a good realtionship with him.

Well, it looks like were busy tommorow.

I didnt know what to do. It was so boring around here.

"Carl, what do you wanna do? Its so fucking boring around here."

Carls POV

I smirked at her cussing and thought for a moment.


"Are you kidding me?"

"Its like the only thing we can do because of your dumb crutches."

"Well, if you werent being so clumsy in the luggage room."

I then had a idea and made her follow me to the luggage room.

"What did you bring me here for?"

I then suprised her with a kiss. She always gave in. Her arms began to wrap around my neck and her crutches fell to the ground.

She gave out and she fell.

"Are you okay?"

I helped her up and she crutched off.

"Molly. Come on! I said i was sorry."

"I never said I was mad Carl."

She smirked. I followed her to our cell to see Arthur laying in his bed.

"Hey Molly. Can you come here?" He asked.

Arthurs POV

I called Molly in for no reason.

I need someone to talk to.

"Whats up Arthur?"

"Well, i need advice. For like talking to guys."

"Just be yourself. Let your true feelings fly."

I then began singing "Spice Girls: Wannabe."

"If you want my future, forget my past."

Molly looked over at me and started to giggle.

"Oh, you like Spice Girls too?"

I nodded and she left.

Well that was awkward.

Carls POV

I was about to freak the shit out when i saw Molly laugh at him when she came crutching out.

"I need to talk to you NOW."

She came in our cell, layed her crutches on the wall and sat in our bed.


"Is Arthur hitting on you?"

"Carl.... Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course, for you."

"He cant like me. He's gay Carl."


"He just wanted help. I was the first he told."

I felt awkward.

I just hugged her and she rubbed my back.

"I love you Carl."

Carl Grimes: The Boy Who Made Sparks FlyWhere stories live. Discover now