Chapter 35-Bad Ideas

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Carls POV

I wake up in Hershel's swirly chair. Molly is still on the bed.

"Where is Hershel? Did he ever come back?"

I got up without my crutches and felt slight pain, I managed to get Molly's bed before I fell.


She was dazed.

Hershel walked in with a huge needle that had nothing left in it.

"I gave her a sleepy shot because she was freaking out when I was trying to find the sex of the baby."

"What did you have to do to figure that out?"

Hershel coughed.

"I had to stick a medical pole up her thing, yeah."

I saw that Molly's pants were half down her legs.

"Did you hurt her?"

"No, she didnt like the feel. Im suprised because something been up there before."

Hershel made my face turned pale.

"Um, I dont wanna talk about it."

"You wanna know is its a boy or a girl?"

"No, let it be a suprise for both of us."

I walked out and strolled the hallways, my wound was not hurting so i managed to walk without crutches.

Mollys POV

I wake up. My pants half down. I pulled them up and looked around.


I heard a few footsteps and he walked in.

"MOLLY!" He ran over to me and hugged me.

My vision wasnt very clear, but i knew it was him.

I saw his sheriff hat and held him in my arms. My hand on the back of his hat.

I began to cry.

"I thought I was dead, I thought I was dead."

"Your defenitly not dead Molls."

I laughed and pulled out after a few minutes of holding him to my chest.

He saw the tears in my eyes and put his thumb to my cheek and wiped them away.

"No need to cry, it wont change anything." He gave me a quick smirk and held out his hand.

I grabbed his hand and he helped me up since i was still alittle dizzy.

"Woah." The room was spinning around me and Carl held me in place.

"Thanks Grimes." I touched his freckled nose and laughed.

Hershels POV

I left Molly and Carl to go get some supplies for Molly to make some herbal tea to heal the baby.

I walked out with no weapons because I dont like to kill walkers.

I grabbed some herb leaves and little pieces of fruit.

I heard low moans from behind me.

I saw 2 walkers walking towards me at full speed. I shouldve been smarter and brought a knife. I grabbed a piece of bark off the ground and turned around. One began eatting at my right arm.

I let out a low scream. I stabbed both of them in the skull.

I then began running as fast as my legs could take me, i wasnt dying this far into the apolyalyse.

Carls POV

I began walking outside with Molly and I saw someone in the distance, holding their arm.




My dad ran as fast as he could to the fence, Micchonne was already opening the gates.

Hershel fell to the hard ground and I grabbed my blade.

"We gotta cut it off or he'll die." Molly was not happy.

"What do you wanna do Hersh?"

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