Chapter 33-Becoming Serious

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Mollys POV

about 4 months pregnant

I didnt lay with Carl tonight. I felt bad but i just dont feel comfortable.


"What?" I hung my head off the side of the bed and I saw his beautiful face. Ugh

"Can you pwease come lay with me?"

He gave me a smirk. UGH! I did miss his kisses. Like fully on the lips and everything but that got me into deep shit last time.

"Ugh, fine."

Take that back. I love him too much!


I jumped off the bed. Landing on my feet on the hard cold floor.

"I knew you'd come around." He smirked at me and I leaned in to make him shut up.

I kissed him and then jumped in bed next to him.

I layed my head on his chest and he whined.


I pulled my head next to his and saw his eyes look into mine.

"I never said you couldnt lay on my chest."

"I dont wanna hurt you."

"I'd rather you hurt me than for myself to hurt you."

"Carl, I need to talk to you. I need to let it all out. It's the point to where you go, I follow." (A/N: the description) I love you Grimes. I follow you everywhere because I cant stand a minute without looking at you. Your beautiful. I love you so much I cant even explain. I dont know whats gonna happen when this baby comes but whatever happens, you know that I love you and i will always."

After that, he couldnt say anything so I just kissed him because I hate awkward silences.

His hand was on my cheek and his arm around my waist. I put arms around his neck and let it go. I loved Carl and that's all that mattered. I think.

Carls POV

I let her lay on my chest even though it hurt alittle but everything hurts these days. Molly, my love. She has a way with words and it was awesome and really sexy.

I love it when she talked serious even though i can never be serious.

I layed there awkwardly for a moment and began playing with her hair. She pulled out her braids and her hair was curly. I ran my fingers through her hair to brush it, it was ratty.


"Yes Carl?"

"I love you."

"I love you too and always."

She turned her head and kissed my chin.

She pulled up the covers and fell asleep, it took me awhile to cause i couldnt get over leaving Arthur. I just left him at the house. He was hopefully still alive. I gave him weapons and stuff so i hope he lives of it. I feel so bad leaving him.

A/N: So Carl left Arthur. He lied to Molly so she wouldnt worry. What do you all think? Comment below!

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