Chapter 26-Falling Apart

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Carls POV

"Cant tell anyone till my belly gets bigger."

I got a rag for Molly to get the vomit off her face.

She rubbed the dry rag a few times across her mouth and began to walk up the pitch black stairs.

"Hey, wait up."

She didnt bother answering. I understood. I did just change her life.

She packed her bag slowly when she got to our room while I was sitting in bed, kicking off my boots.

"Molly? Are you alright?"

"Yes Carl, why wouldnt I be?"

I gulped down the little saliva i had in my mouth and looked at the ceiling.

When she finally was done, she got in bed, setting her gun on the nightstand were it had been before. She pulled up the covers and turned her back towards me. She didnt seem happy.

"Molly?" I tapped her shoulder and she just covered her whole body with the sheets.

"Please Carl. Let me go to bed."

I then turned the oppsoite way and just let it out. I cried alittle and that's all i remembered before I feel asleep.

Mollys POV

Day 1 since incident

I got my bag when I woke and looked over at Carl. I felt sick to my stomach. He began to open his eyes as i put my brown combat boots on.

I walked downstairs to see Daryl and Glenn talking in the kitchen. I sat my bag on the counter and joined.

"Sup Molly?" Daryls accent was alittle lower today.

"Just woke up. Carl and Arthur are still in bed."

"You should go wake them. We gotta get back soon. Im starvin."

"Ok." I began to walk away but Glenn stopped me.

"What did you guys do while we were gone?"

I turned around slowly, my jaw shaking like crazy.

"Umm, we rr read comicss and ate some rotten fruit. That's probably why i got sick last night."

Glenn and Daryl looked at eachother and shrugged.

I walked up the fairly lighten stairs and opened Arthurs door.

"Mornin sleepy head."

He didnt move.


Still no movements.

I walked over to the bed and shoke him.


Carl came running in with his bag on his back..

"Whats going on?"

My hands were sweaty and i began to shake. Im in shock. I fall to the ground and i shake even more. Foam begins to form in my mouth.

"MOLLY!" Carl falls to the floor next to me and the last thing I hear is Daryl and Glenn running up the stairs.

Arthurs POV

I woke up to screams coming from Carl. I looked over the edge of my bed to see Molly having a seizure.

"Arthur come help."

"Shes in shock. Probably cause of the...." SHIT

"Cause of what?" Daryl starting questioning me right away.

Carl looked at me and shook his head.

"Cause you werent waking. She thought you were dead." Carl answered for me.


I ran to my bag and got a IV that i had picked up downstairs.

I stuck it in her arm and she left out a yelp.

"She will be asleep for a while."

Daryl and Glenn carried her out to the car.

"We cant trust them now Arthur. God dammit you about blew me to shreds."

"Im sorry, I just needed to save them."

"Woah, you mean that could kill the baby?"

"No, the baby will need someway of food though. The IV has food for the baby in it. We gotta replace the IV every 20 hours or so. But, she'll be awake by then."

Carl then hugged me.

"Thank You."

I felt alittle awkward, i remebered what Molly said,

"As long as you dont take Carl away from me."

Haha, i wasnt going to but that hug was amazing.

Carls POV

I hugged Arthur and then walked downstairs to go to the car. I looked out the window to see 2 walkers.

I walked out slowly and stabbed one between the eyes. The other one i stabbed in the temple.

I ran out to the car and saw Molly leaning up against the door. I went in the other door. When i got in the car, I saw her hand on her stomach.

I moved her and sat by the window and let her lean on me. I didnt care what she thought about me now but I still love her.

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