Chapter 14-Moarning

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Carls POV

We buried her today. Daryl freaked out again. Sadly, Molly was the one to help my father bury her. It was a moarning time for all of us, Daryl showing it the most. Molly couldnt do it and walked up behind me and cried into my shoulder. I kept my cool until we went back to our cells and I freaked. Molly had to hold me for a while.

"Whyd it have to be her? She was so inncoent." I whimpered into her left shoulder, she was patting my back.

"I have so many questions Carl. What happened even? Who did it to her?" She asked me, I was still whimpering in her shoulder.

"I dont even know and I dont want to know." I looked up at her with my bright red face stinging from my tears.

I sucked it up like the man I want to be for her. I got up pacing in the cell block. I ran into the entrance where Carol had came from and saw a dozen of walkers piling over bits of flesh. I tiptoed back and locked that door so noone would see it.

"Molly, dont go in that door." I pointed over there and sat back down in the cell next to her.

She was reading my comics. Damn, I had a awesome girl.

"Why?" She looked up from "Hell Hound; Episode 8- Slick"

"There's tons of walkers in there. The ones that i think ate Carol."

She ingored, trying not to cry and read her comic like she didnt hear me. I turned her head facing towards me and kissed her making her jolt, throwing her comic to the ground. She moved over to my lap and looked over her own shoulder to face me.

"Oh Grimes, you're back to yourself." She pursed her lips at the thought.

Daryls POV

They just left her there. They couldve saved her. I couldve saved her.

Damn my head. I was trying to think of something else to get my mind off of Carol. I couldnt save her daughter and now i couldnt save her. God, Im a damn mess. I looked at myself in my cell mirror that was blood stained and foggy. I then saw a reflection of something that wasnt of me in the mirror. It was a walker.

Carl Grimes: The Boy Who Made Sparks Flyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें