Chapter 25-Realizing

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Carls POV

I was holding Molly in my arms. She was shaking in her sleep. Arthur had been wrapping her arm up.

"Is she gonna be alright?"

"Yeah, just gonna be alittle sore for a few days."

"Thank you so much."

Arthur walked out of the room but before he left complety he began to speak.

"I'll deliver her baby, if im still alive."

"Arthur, please. I dont wanna talk about it till the right time."

He frowned and walked off.


He walked down the hall to his room and shut the door.

I wished Daryl and Glenn were back. I just feel really bad. I dont know what im gonna do.

I picked up Molly and sat her under the covers. I took her gun out of her pocket and set it on the night stand next to mine. I slowly closed the door and got into bed with her.

I played with her hair for a while.

It was going to be awkward for a few weeks. Its gonna be hell for her. Im such a idiot. Now shes gonna die and Im gonna kill myself thinking i killed the love of my life.


"Yes Molly?"

"Was that all a dream?"

"No honey it wasnt."


She looked down at her wrist and covered it up. I saw the tears in her eyes but she kept it all in, trying not to expose herself.

"Its okay baby. You can cry."

She let it all out on my shoulder, making my shirt wet. I could care less.

"Im so sorry, Carl."

Daryls POV

Glenn and I have been sitting in the car in shock for a few minutes. There was probably a whole civilaztion of them.

"Holy shit."

There was tons of walkers and people here. One with a eye patch.

He was getting torn apart by them.


Glenn backed out and turned our truck around.

"We got enough stuff anyways. Turn this son a bitch around Glenster."

We headed back home. I wasnt very happy to cause of Molly. She was a badass little kid.

I would call her little asskicker but thats already taken.

Arthurs POV

I sat in bed, looking at the ceiling. Still dealing with the pain in my arm. Well, half a arm.

I got my bag and saw the comic Carl let me borrow a few days ago. I sat there reading it over and over till I heard a knock at the door.

Mollys POV

I got up. Hearing a knock.

"Stay here Molly."

"No,Im going with."

I grabbed my gun and Carl pushed me back.

"I told you to stay the fuck here."

I stood at the door and gave him a peck at the cheek.

I held my gun and heard Carl walk down the stairs.

I saw Arthur at the end of the hall.


"How you feeling?"

"Great, thanks for everything."

I hugged him and he seemed uncomfortable so I let go.

I heard some talking so i decided to go downstairs. I held my gun to my chest and walked down the stairs fast.

It was Daryl and Glenn.

"Hey Molly." Daryl hugged me and i looked at him strange.

Glenn saw my wrist and looked at me funny.

"What the hell did you do?"

"I dropped a knife and it cut her wrist but dont worry i stitched her up."

It was Arthur.

God hes a lifesaver.

I then felt a sharp pain in my stomach and ran to the kitchen sink and threw up.

Oh my god. The symptoms are already showing.

"You okay?" Daryl asked seemed concerned.

"Ya, i ate something bad i think."

Carl walked over to me.

"We gotta tell them."

"Not now, theyll kill you. Ill tell em when its closer. When my belly gets bigger."

"Guys should go get some rest, leaving in the mornin. Night." Daryl walked into the pitch black darkness.

Shit is going down.

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