Chapter 9-New adventures

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Carls POV

"Judtih?" Molly had said when she heard the cry.

We walked into her cell block and I picked her up.

"Hi Judy! How are you?" I said in my baby voice tickling her nose.

She started to giggle.

"Molly, I'd like you to meet Judith Katherine Grimes,." I held her out and plopped her in Mollys arms.

"Well, why dont i just call you "Little Grimes"?" She looked up at me, Judith laughing and playing with Molly's hair.

Molly started to sing a lullaby to her that my mother had sung to me. Judith slowly fell asleep in her arms.

"Wow, i didnt know you were good with kids." I told her.

"I didnt know you were a brother till just last week, Grimes."

Damn, I loved it when she called me Grimes. I knew she only called me that when she was in the "messing around" mood.

Molly got up and put her in her crib, locking the door behind us. We started to walk back to our cell block to talk but then Daryl and Micchone interuppted us.

"You guys wanna go on a run?" Daryl said excitedly.

"Sure. We'll meet you guys outside." I said.

Molly and I ran back to our cell and emptied our bags putting our clothes under our bed. We put the bags on our backs and walked slowly back outside. On our way, she pushed me up against the wall and kissed me. It was a energtic kiss that made me jolt.

"What was that for?" I asked her sharply.

"Good luck charm." She gave me a quick sexy smirk and bolted to the exit. I followed quickly and we ran over to Daryl who handed us each a knife and a fully loaded pistol with a golden trigger.

"Yer ready fo this?" Daryl asked us.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Molly smiled to Daryl and we headed off.

Molly's POV

We headed out the fence and it nicked me on the hand.

"You okay?" Carl held my hand up and saw the cut.

"Yeah, just a scratch."

We followed slowly behind Daryl and Micchone, afraid of the walkers that could come from any direction. Micchone knocked out probably around 13 already.

A few minutes later, a walker came out of the woods and tacked Daryl. I ran over and stabbed it in the temple 9 times. I let it all out on them. It just made me feel better about myself.

Micchones POV

We'd been walking for miles now. But a few miles ahead, i could see a house. A house that seemed to still have power. I held my hand out for Carl, Molly, and Daryl to stop because there were 10 walkers ahead. Attracted to the light of the house. I killed 1 and then they all came at me. I swung one hard swing and they all fell. I pulled my hand back and they followed running across the street to make sure we were safe.

"Does that house have power?" Carl asked.

"Its looks like it. That'll be awesome if it does." Molly said.

"Well, lets go and get in." Daryl said.

They all followed me and we approached the house. I knocked on the door to see if their were any walkers. None came and I slowly opened the door, everyone holding their weapons.

"Coast is clear." I said in my low voice just in case there was a walker. But there wasnt.

Carls POV

I was so excited! The house had power. Daryl went searching for a source. I looked back to see Molly in amazement.

"Lets go checkout upstairs." She seeemed curious and I liked it.

I walked up the stairs first because i didnt want to take any chances. I had my gun pointed in front of me and i looked back to see Molly in the same pose. I opened the first door, a closet full of stuff. Next, a bathroom. Clean but smelly. The last door, a queen sized bedroom. It was clean just alittle old smelling.

"Its all clear baby." i looked back at Molly in complete shock.

"Good." she ran up and hugged me.

Micchone walked up the stairs and saw the closet.

"Lets clean this out together." she told us and we nodded.

Molly sat down next to me. Micchone pulled out all kinds of medical items such as gauze, tylenol, scringe, gloves, and medicines of all kinds. Molly pulled out some femineine products and quickly put them in her bag. I found some soap and towels. Even a stitches kit.

Daryl walked up behind us, scaring the crap out of Molly which was kind of funny.

"Hey, guess what?"

"Walkers are invading earth?" Micchone said.

"You found survivors?" Molly said.

"The damn water works." Daryl said

"HOLY SHIT! I call taking shower." Molly seemed excited.

I followed her to the bigger bathroom in the queen bedroom and she cleared off the counter and pulled out a hairbrush, towel, and some soap. I sat on the toliet seat and watched her get ready.

She started to brush her hair. While see did that, I messed with the water tempature. Making it warm for her.

"Can i stay in here?"

"If you promise not to look when i tell you to and to lock and shut the door." She smiled and I did as i was told.

She took of her headband and brushed her hair alttle more.

"Look away." I obeyed.

A few minutes later, I heard her get in the shower. I looked back up from my hands and talked to her.

"Do you have any family left?" I asked. Bad question to ask but i wanted to hear her story.

"I have you. Judtih, and Rick. That's the best family I could ask for." I knew she was smiling but she denys it.

I heard a banging at the door. I pulled my gun out.

"It's me, Molly." It was Daryl. I was gonna be in deep shit. So, I hid under the sink.

"Its locked Daryl and Im in the shower. Carl, will you open the door?"

Shit i was busted.

I unlocked the door and i saw the look on Daryl's face.

"Daryl, We have had this conversation. Im in the shower and hes not. I trust him."

I gave Daryl and huge smile and he walked off.

"I just wanted to tell you guys that Micchone and I were running off for a few hours. Be back soon! And dont be naughty!"

I heard the water stop meaning Molly was done.

"Look away." I listened again.

She dried and got her clothes on in a matter of 5 minutes.

I looked up and she was combing her hair. I put my arms around her waist and put my chin on her shoulder. I kissed her neck fast.

" I love you."

Carl Grimes: The Boy Who Made Sparks Flyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن