Chapter 43- Shock

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Arthurs POV

My momma always told me not to listen in on other people's converstations. It wasnt my fault. I was coming in to eat cause I hadnt in days and I heard Daryl making fun of me. I was leaning up against the wall thinking about what he had just said.

"And fatties back."

I looked down at my stomach. My large gut was growling for food. I heard footsteps coming from the mess hall, I was hoping it was Daryl so I could smash his head in but instead it was Molly and Carl. I looked at her stomach, it had grown alot since we last saw eachother. Now that I think about it, she's almost 6 months pregnant. I hadnt seen her since early feburaury.

"Arthur? Did you hear that?"

I nodded my head sadly.

"Im so sorry Arty."

"It wasnt you Molly. It was dumbass Daryl."

"I covered you Art. He needs to learn his lesson." Molly held her knuckles that were turning white.

"Calm down Molls." Carl was also looking at her knuckles.

I decided to go eat even though Daryl was in there, I was starving.

Mollys POV

I felt bad that Arthur heard that. He isnt that big. He probably weighs less than I do with this huge ass stomach. Arthur walked into the mess hall and I started to follow when Carl grabbed my forearm.

"Let him fight his own battle Molls." I looked into his bright blue eyes and nodded.

We had no idea what to do so we just went back to our cell and read comics for a while. We sat side by side leaning against the edge of the bed reading.

"Have you read issue 7 of "Captain America" yet?" He asked a smile forming across his face.

"Im already on issue 9 Carl. You need to read faster." I smiled and put my head on his shoulder holding my stomach.

"Are you alright?" He looked concerned.

"Yes. Dont worry about me."

"Molly, I think about you and worry for you every minute of my life. How can I not?"

I put down my comic and got up to stretch.

"Let's go do something."

I got up and walked to Hershel's cell next to us.

"Hi Hersh." I said in a low calm voice so i didnt scare him.

He was in a deep sleep, it had been a few days since Hershel had gotta his arm chopped. I saw his eyes begin to open. I heard a low growl come from him. Was he a walker? I grabbed my gun from my holster and began to shake.


Still no sounds or movements.

I put my ear up to his chest. He still had a heartbeat. I lifted my head and sat down next to him putting my hand in his white as snow hair.


I looked at his face. His eyes opened and his mouth was quivering.

"Carl. Come in here."

I saw Carl look in the cell.


"Hershel's awake."

Carl walked in and saw Hershels eyes open.

"Hi Hershel. It's Molly and Carl here." Carl seemed in a really good mood.

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