Chapter 31-Secrets don't make friends

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Carls POV

I was protecting Molly and this time i took the bullet for her. I jumped out and got shot for her.

"CARL!" I heard a indivdual scream in my ear. It was Molly.

"Itts okayy. Imm gonna be finee."

I heard a few gun shots and my hearing slowly faded. I tried to keep my eyes open as long as i could.

Molly was having trouble shooting and just sat next to me and whimpered.

"Molly, its ok."

My dad ran over.

"Carl, oh no."

I heard one last gun shot and then all the walkers were dead.

Hershel and many others were hovering over me.

"Its a minor bullet wound. Its all in one piece. Your gonna be just fine."

I was put on a dollie and Molly was at my side. I grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes.

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Dont worry, its not the first time."

I made her laugh and she sniffled.

Hershel dragged me to his room and got tweezers. The tweezers dug into my lower stomach and i began to flinch.



Beth pulled Molly away.


Mollys POV

I looked over at Carl from a distance.

His front two teeth were on his lower lip. His eyes were wide open but he wasnt moving.

"Hershel? HERSHEL?"

"Molly, he's just in shock, hes falling asleep."

Beth was holding me back.

"Molly, this isnt gonna help the baby."


Hershel looked over at me.


"Daddy, calm down. Molly is pregnant. Probably around 3 months."

"Why didnt you tell us?"

"I was waiting for the right time. JESUS BETH! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU!"

I pulled her arm back and ran next to Carl.

I looked at his calm eyes and saw them blink. His sheriff hat was in his hand. It dropped into my lap and i began to pet his hair. It was super soft.

"Molly?" His lips quivered.

"Yes Carl its me." I smiled and started to pet his hair again.

He looked down at his hat and put it on my head.

"Join the club."

He smiled and i gave him a kiss. Since Hershel and Beth were standing there, it wasnt long.

"Be careful boy."

Hershel pulled up his shirt and wrapped the wound with bandage. His wrapped it around his flat stomach a few times. It took him a few minutes to get up.

When he first tried, he bit his lower lip to make the pain even. It made me sad so i looked away.

I knew how he felt after all, we both have gotten shot.

"Who did this to him?"

"It was a accidental shot from Maggie, she isnt very good with that new gun you got her."

I was furious but then Carl calmed me down.

"It was a accident Molly."

He put his arm around my shoulder and i helped him to the mess hall, putting his hat back on his head.

Daryl, Maggie, Micchonne, and Bob were eating there.

"Oh my goodness Carl, Im so sorry. That gun is so hard to use."

"Its fine Mags. Im fine. Just alittle sore."

I looked over at him and he smiled. I kissed him passionately and looked back over at the table. Everyone was looking at us and I just gave em a look.

I helped him sit down and went over to go get some food from the kitchen.

Carls POV

I was sitting at the table with Daryl, Maggie, Micchonne, and Bob. It was kinda awkward.

"What do you want Carls?" Molly yeled from the kitchen.

"Fruit and a water?"


"Did she just call you Carls?" Bob questioned trying not to laugh.

"Yea, its just a thing. I call her Molls."

Everyone laughed.

Molly came back with stuff for everyone. She had a granola bar and water for herself and a apple and water for me.


"Dont mention it."

I began to dig into my food.

Molly wasnt eating well.

Rick walked in furious.

"I have something to talk to you about son." He didnt look happy.

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