Chapter 42- Hunting

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Mollys POV

I felt my hand in Carl's. I looked up at his sleepy sweaty face. 

Man, I love him so much. All the stuff he's done for me. He saved my ass so many times, he loves me for who i am, he doesnt let me down, and he takes care of me. I wish i could show him how much i love him. He shows me everyday. Let's see yesterday he made Boo's room, he found stuff for me, he kisses me, and he lets me cuddle him alot.

I see his eyes begin to flutter and his fingers move around in my hand.

"Wakey wakey."

He wipes his eyes with the back of his palms.

"Hi beautiful." He felt my palm.

I saw Daryl in the corner of my eye.

"Hey Molls, wanna go hunting?"

"Just me?"


I looked at Carl.

"Its's fine, just go have fun." He gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Get dressed and get somethin to eat. Meet me at the gates in a hour."

I got up and stretched out my sore muscles.

I saw Carl pulling up the covers.

"You going back to bed?"

"No, just cold."

I looked outside. It was probably july.

"Seriously Carl It's probably around summer time and your cold?"

I felt a shiver. It is cold in here. I got down on my knees and felt under the bed. There was a vent blowing out cold air.

"What the hell? There is a vent under here. And it works."

"I'll talk to my dad while your gone." He smiled.

I picked up my bag and got out my new shorts that had the american flag painted across them with studs and my new white tanktop. 

I changed facing the wall, having a feeling Carl wasn't looking cause he's a good boy. I mean man.

I turned around, him reading a comic. I strapped my crossbow and shealth of bolts onto my back and put my knife tucked in my shorts.

I walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss. I began to run off then he threw a granola bar at me.

"Thanks bud." I grinned and ran off to Daryl waiting at the gates.

I ran to him waving. I took the last bite of my granola bar and threw the wrapper to the ground.

"Ready kid?"


Glenn opened the gates and we walked off into the woods.

I held my crossbow to my chest and heard crunching of leaves.

I heard Daryl behind me shoot something. Just a darn walker.

I still heard crunching. I then saw a deer in front of me, eating dead grass.

"Daryl, we got a deer."

"Yea, shoot it in the stomach or neck."

I held my crossbow up and took a arrow out of my sheatlh. I pulled back and let go. I saw the deer fall, blood running down its eye.

"Damn girl, right in the eye."

"I take that as a complement.'

I grabbed the deer and Daryl held it over his back and we walked back to the prison, feeling good about ourselves.

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