An Oxford Fashion Show

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An Oxford Fashion Show

Steph's POV

The drive to the fashion show is short and speedy thanks to Janet's speeding. When we arrive, I see a short red carpet leading from where the cars start to the entrance of the building lined with paparazzi on both sides. My palms instantly start to sweat.

"I didn't know there would be pictures." I say nervously.

"Yeah, this friend of mine is one of the most well known designers around the world. Her guest lists usually consist of the internationally elite." Janet explains as we near the beginning of the red carpet.

The valet are only letting one car unload at a time and we're about two cars away from the front of the line. I can feel my heart racing and I suddenly feel incredibly self conscious.

Pulling the visor down, I flip the plastic screen up revealing the mirror. I look at my face, making sure everything is in place. Janet catches me and laughs, flipping back down the mirror cover and the visor back up.

"Quit it. You look fine."

"Sure, if you say so." I frown.

"Just get out and smile. It's not that hard."

"What if they get an ugly picture of me?"

"I doubt that's possible." Janet says, looking out the window at the pool of paparazzi.

I roll my eyes and look down at my dress, making sure nothing is out of place. We're next to be let out of our car. Janet wo;; be seen first since the driver's side is facing the red carpet. I'll have to walk around the front of the car to meet her. Hopefully I don't trip.

Janet slowly eases the car up to the edge of the red carpet and cameras immediately begin to flash before she even gets out the car. A young man opens Janet's door and offers his hand to help her out of the car. Another gentlemen does the same for me. The night air is cool against my bare arms, but not uncomfortably cold.

Looking over the top of the car, I see Janet waiting for me at the start of the carpet. I walk over to her and she offers me her hand comfortingly. I take it and we start up the carpet. The flashes of the cameras are practically blinding but Janet is handling it like a pro.

"Remember to smile." she leans over to whisper to me.

Her breath on my ear tickles me and that makes me smile.

As we walk, a bunch of reporters call out Janet's name. She ignores them all until we get to this one particular woman with a short pixie hair cut and symmetrically sharp facial features.

"Raquel." Janet greets her, coming to stop on the edge of the carpet.

"Janet." the woman beams. "How are you. You look well."

"I feel well." Janet smiles.

"I didn't know you were invited to this event. It was quite the surprise to see you get out of your car."

"Last minute decision. " Janet shrugs.

"I figured as much." Raquel grins. "As last minute as it was you still managed to find a date, I see." she says, looking at me.

"She's not my date. She's just a friend."

"Are you sure?" Raquel asks, glancing at our hands.

"Yes, I'm sure Raquel." Janet laughs. "She's here for a little while. I'm just showing her this wonderful of ours."

"Right." Raquel smirks, looking at us with disbelief in her eyes. "What's your name Ms. 'Just-A-Friend'". She asks me, moving the mic from Janet to me.

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