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Your p.o.v

"Just take it off!" Dark growls at me and I drop my pencil from taking notes.

"I said no, now be quiet." I pick up my pencil again and take notes on how to snap bones easily. He groans and tries picking at the lock.

I stare at him and he looks at me.

"Are you done?" I whisper ask and he squints at me.

"Take it off."

"For crying out loud I can't. Just be patient and take your notes."

"I can't take notes if your hand never moves for mine to move!" He whisper shouts in my face and I take a deep breath.

"Fine." I lift my hand and see his eyes lighten up until I just put my hand over his. He stares at my hand and looks back up at me.

"What the hell was that?" He asks and I continue writing.

"It's either that and you take notes or I take my hand off and you take no notes at all." I reply and he scoots my hand to his wrist and starts writing. I smirk and look up at the board.

I sit back once the teacher is done and they erase the board, making Darkiplier groan. I look at his paper and see he only has half of what's been written. I slide my notebook next to him and he looks up at me. I look away and Marzia throws a piece of paper at me. I look back at her and she points to the crumpled up paper on the floor.

I pick it up and open it carefully.

Why is your hand over his? You're going to get killed.

I look back and make a sign to tell her that he's writing and I bother him. She nods and I look forward and see a few people staring at us. I blink and force their heads to look forward.

"Here." Darkiplier pushes my notebook back and the bell rings. I put my notebook away and put on my bag and wait for Darkiplier to stand. Once he does, we walk out and walk towards our last class, animal studies. I quicken the pace but Darkiplier stops and I almost fall over.

I look back and a girl has him up on the lockers. He growls differently at her and she kisses his cheek. I hear the minute bell ring and I grab his hand and drag him quickly to the classroom. We stop as soon as we enter the room and the bell rings, making everyone look up at us and Darkiplier pulls me to the back where Anti is sitting. Anti moves next to Wilford and we take a seat.

The teacher waves to me and I wave back. I take a deep breath and stare at the front. I feel a pinch on my arm and I look at Darkiplier quickly. He flicks my forehead and I stare at him. He grabs my neck and claws me. I poke his eye with my finger and he growls loudly and let's go, holding his eye.

A few people look back and I keep my gaze on the teacher. Once they look back I face him and smack his hand away from his face. I place my hand on his eye and he looks up at me.

"What are you doing?" He whispers and I put my hand down and inspect his eye.

"Are you okay now?" I ask quietly and he nods slightly and I look back up.

Darkiplier's p.o.v

Anti and Wilford stare at us as she holds her neck to heal herself from any bruises. I blink a couple times and look at Anti.

"What the hell was that?" Anti asks me in my head and I shrug.

"She said she was a healer. I guess she healed my eye when she stabbed me."

"Holy shit! There hasn't been a healer for years!"

"I know, that's why I didn't believe her at first."

Teenage Dirtbag (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now