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Your p.o.v

"What happened..?" Dark's ghost holds my cheeks, Andromeda and Xavier holding each other behind him.

"I, don't know..."

"Darling, you just died. Did something happen in there..?" He sits me down on a cushioned seat that's on the balcony to look outside.

"I can't remember it very well. I think it took so much of my energy I just, left. I didn't mean to obviously but I really just wanted to wake up. I do remember being in a nightmare, desperately needing to wake up and scream for you..." I whisper the last part, holding my arms. He pulls me close to his being, placing his chin on my head to keep me secure.

"You don't have to talk about the dream right now. Until you're ready." He rubs my back comfortingly and I scoot closer to him.

"Dark, you need to tell her." Xavier suddenly speaks up, holding Andromeda close. I notice the height difference is huge, she only reaches his chest.

"Tell me what?" I ask, looking up at Dark. He sighs and sits up.

"I hurt our Marzia when I found out she killed you."

"What?!" I shoot up away from him.

"You would have done the same (Y/n)." He stands and walks towards me.

"No I wouldn't!"

"So, you wouldn't freak the fuck out when your heart and entire being is literally falling apart? You wouldn't freak out when one of your family members just killed the one person that was physically made for you?" His tone is angry but also hurt. I look at my hands and hold my arms.

"Of course I would..."

"Then why are you so upset? I know that if it was the other way around and Infelix killed me, you would have broken him into dust." I feel his eyes on my chest where my heart should be. I look up at him and sigh.

"They're family, Dark. I understand we get into fights but you can't just physically hurt them because of one small thing." I stand my ground and stand straight, staring into his eyes to challenge him.

"You're expecting me to apologize?" He asks in disbelief, not looking me in the eye because he knows challenging me is a death sentence.

"She is family."

"She killed you! She lied to us about you being safe just to practice her magic don't you feel used?!"

"It's been a week, I know you're still upset."

"Oh, so it's just me." He crosses his arms and I stare at his gesture.

"Of course not, can't you see I'm completely engulfed with rage." I place my hands on my hips to keep calm.

"Well it doesn't feel like it."

"The sooner we forgive Marzia, the better it will be for us all. You can't stay mad at her forever." I sit down and stare at the wilting roses.

"Wanna bet?" He challenges and I quickly turn my head to him, staring in his eyes.

"Go check on our bodies. We're done with this conversation." I demand, turning my head back to the roses.

He huffs, walking away into the living room on his way towards the life of death room.

"It's sad, how you chose him." Valentine whispers behind me. I take a deep breath and slowly turn my head to him.

"Valentine, we are not a thing. We were never a thing." I state, trying to get the whole idea of us being an item out of his head.

"Oh, my beautiful little bat, you said we were going to be together." He drags his pale finger across my neck and I smack it away.

Teenage Dirtbag (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now