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Your p.o.v

"I think I'm gonna be sick." I hold my head and sit in my office chair in my dad's house.

"We don't have much time, beast." My dad says and I tap my forehead with my pointer finger.

"You mean I, don't have much time. Why did she even have to do this we didn't even do anything wrong."

"We didn't sign her peace treaty in time." He says, crossing his arms.

"You mean you, didn't sign it in time." I say and he huffs while putting his arms down. He walks next to me and puts his communicator on my desk. I stare at it and sigh, opening up a hologram of the god of dimensions, (Y/n). (a/n: If you read Pose, Ya Psycho, this is you but it's different dimensions. PYP you will be in bold and underlined, along with her family.)

"Anti be quiet I'm on a call." She swats her husband Anti, and puts her phone down, looking at me while smiling.

"Sorry about that, it's like they're the children."  She says and her Darkiplier waves at me. We wave back as her husbands sit beside her.

"It's good to see you My Gods. I wanted to talk to you about the peace treaty." I say and her kids come in, smiling at their parents.

"Hi other dimension mom!"  They shout and I smile gently, waving.

"Hi you two, how are your cousins. Did you burn down the kingdom yet?" I ask.

"Not yet!" Aiden shouts and Darla smacks his head, walking away and Aiden following.

"As I was saying, I wanted to address the issue of the peace treaty. It's been a few busy months and we haven't gotten the time to discuss the matter over it and I do apologize dearly for that." I hold my hands together and look at her. She looks just like me but slightly older, and with more maturity. Her husbands are the same, I heard they get more mature throughout the years, but since they're Gods they age but their looks don't. They could be 1000 years old but they'll still look 24.

"Right, your father didn't want to sign the peace treaty."  She squints at him and I quickly look at him.


"It wasn't my fault Satan is a wuss in her dimension. Getting caught up by a woman, please." He rolls his eyes and stares out the door.

"That woman is me from another dimension." I say in a monotonous tone. He ignores me and keeps staring, his arms dropping.

"But yes you can sign it, as long it's your signature." She smiles gently and I call my Anti and Dark over. They quickly jog over excusing themselves from my dad and take a seat beside me.

"These are the Dark and Anti from my dimension, guys, these 3 are the Gods of every dimension. They're versions of us." I smile and they look mesmerized.

"Huh, so that's what I would look like if I was a jock." Her Darkiplier says and my Dark laughs slightly.

"Are you both with her?" Her Antisepticeye asks and my Anti's eyes widen.

"No, no she's happily mated to Dark. I'm with Darkiishu." My Anti says and my Dark puts me on his lap.

"Do you think we could ever see your dimension versions of our mates?" My Dark asks and they shrug. Her kids come back and wave.

"Hi other dimension dads!!" The kids shout and their eyes widen.

"Woah, is that what our kids would look like?" My Dark asks me and I look at the kids.

Teenage Dirtbag (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now