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Your p.o.v

"I don't understand." Dark turns me to face him but I stare at the Amy line.

"Peebstache and Wilford are extra so they kind of don't count but they do at the same time. The Mark line is with someone of the Amy line." I look up at him.

"You're supposed to be with Peevils, not me." I whisper and his brows furrow.

"No, my mom wouldn't do this. She knows what she's doing." He takes a step closer to me and I look at everyone else.

"I have to stay and help them..."

"You might wanna hurry, they'll either become one of us or they will start being a attracted to the other person you said they had to be with." Marzia is reading a book and I look at her.

"What?" Dark walks up to her.

"If she doesn't heal them, they will either become one of us or Peevils will go with you, and Peebstache will go with Wilford. Your mom knew this would happen." Marzia puts the book away and I look up at him.

"She wouldn't put anyone's lives in danger unless they deserved it." He argues, heat radiating off him from the accusation.

"And what did Amy do, along with Marzia and Signe? From what I know, your mom could just be doing all this for her own free will just to fuck with the Amy line." Wilford throws back at Dark.

"You know damn well that isn't true."

"Do I? What has your mother ever done for me, huh? I've been through hell and back and I have been thanking her for even being here, and what do I get in return?" Wilford walks up face to face with Dark, sizing him up.

Everyone backs up from them but I stay put, feeling some anger from Dark and some of my own.

"She gave you your mate! If it wasn't for my mom, you wouldn't be alive. If it wasn't for my mom, you wouldn't have found your fucking family. If it wasn't for my mom, (Y/n) would have never given you that job. IF IT WASN'T FOR MY MOM, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE EVER FOUND PEEVILS!! SO SIT THE FUCK DOWN, AND APOLOGIZE TO MY MOM BEFORE I KILL YOU RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW." Dark forces Wil to sit on the floor by the door, turning to me with black eyes.

I sit on the floor and pat gently in front of me. He walks over to me and sits down, wrapping my arms around his chest. I cover him with my wings and watch the others as they talk about how to fix what's going on.

"If she does that, she'll lose most of her energy and would need to recharge for a while." Peevils sighs, staring at Amy.

"That, reminds me." Anti looks at me and I put a finger to my lips, signaling him to be quiet.

"Where's your counterpart?" Anti whispers and my face drops. Infelix pulls him back and I hug Dark closer.

"Oh, shit. Sorry." Anti looks at me with sympathy but Darkiishu stands there confused.

"Shouldn't she be dead?" Darkiishu asks and everyone looks at her.

"Darkiishu!" Jack scolds her and I squeeze Dark.

"What? Everyone knows that if your counterpart dies, every other version of the human dies as well. (Y/n) should be dead." Darkiishu bluntly says and Anti drags her out of the room.

"(Y/n)..." Mark kneels down next to me and I look at him quickly.

"I really need you to help them, I understand everything is in hiatus right now but please help us..." His voice is calm and soft, showing his desperation. Slowly standing up, I sit in front of the bed as Marzia hooks me up to the girls, putting cotton pads on my skin along with the 3 others.

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