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Darkiplier's p.o.v

Marzia, isn't able to have kids.

Those words go through my head over and over again and I stare at the floor as (Y/n) drives us home.

Once Infelix said that, all 3 of us immediately hugged him as he cried into us. I felt horrible and I mourned for him, crying with him so he wouldn't feel alone even though we don't know what that's like.

"I have to fix it." (Y/n) suddenly says and I look at her.

" (Y/n) I-"

"Dark, I have to. She's my sister and I want her happy. I already gave Infelix my word."

"And you didn't think to discuss this-"

"I don't need to discuss anything because I know it's the right thing." She interrupts me and I stare at her face.

"And if you die?"


"I'm being serious."

"Dark, you don't even know what I'm going to do, you don't have a say."

"I have a say because she's my family and you're my mate."

"And because she's family I have to fix it."

"You don't have to." I say and she suddenly slams on the breaks, causing me to hit my forehead on the dashboard.

"Excuse me?"

"You don't have to, you want to."

"I have to, Dark."

"Look I feel terrible, believe me but a lot of people go on with their lives with no kids and they're happy." I say and she unlocks the door. I look at the door and look at her.

"Get out."


"Get. Out." She says and unbuckles her seat belt, getting out the truck. She opens the door and I stare at her as I slowly get out.

She slams the door shut and drags me to an open field.

"What if it was me." She says and I blink.


"What if I was the one who couldn't have kids." She stares at me and I fidget slightly.

"I would be crushed."

"And? Who cares what you feel." She crosses her arms and my brows furrow.

"S'cuse me?"

"It doesn't matter what you feel because you're not the one who can't have kids. You passed your test so who cares? You can find someone else who is able to make kids."

"But, I don't want that. I want to make a family with you..."

"Exactly! If you would be crushed why can't he?"

"I never said he couldn't."

"But you're saying they're better off without kids. Who's going to leave their side of their family? Hm?"

"I don't know."

"Exactly, you don't know. Because you choose not to find out." She walks away from me and gets in the truck, slamming the door.

I walk into the backseat and sit, putting on my belt and watch her drive.

-1 week later-

"I know, but you should trust her." Peevils reassures Marzia as we eat in a restaurant.

"It's not that I don't trust her it's just I don't know how it will go down, you know the process." Marzia waves her hand to show she can't really explain it.

Teenage Dirtbag (DISCONTINUED) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora